WordPress vs Bootstrap: Let’s Find the Right Web Design Platform for Your Business

You think about an attractive website for business, but you often face issues. Many questions roam in your mind. They are which is the best development firm, what is the cost, will I get the website on time or not, and others. In addition, choosing the right platform is also a challenging task. That is why we are going to make you aware of WordPress vs Bootstrap.

Both are helpful in website development. They allow impressive, secure, and scalable website development which is very important for customer engagement and attracting more traffic. 38% of people stop visiting a website due to unattractive designs and 57% of people say they will not recommend a business with a poorly designed website. That is why many businesses look for the best WordPress development company that can offer a beautiful yet scalable website.

But Bootstrap is also helpful in the same. And that is why many people often get confused between WordPress and Bootstrap. Today, you will get to know the differences between both and the comparison table to have a quick and clear idea.

What Is WordPress?

WordPress is free and open-source software. It was initially developed in 2003 to make blogs. But now around 43% of websites are WordPress. Likewise, it allows simple, fast, and impressive web development. WordPress has various plugins that help developers to create beautiful websites even at a reasonable price.

People want to hire WordPress developers because they can have a good website within their budget. So the cost-effective feature also attracts developers and enterprises to WordPress. Here are some popular websites built with WordPress software.

  • BBC America
  • MTV News
  • Sony Music
  • The New York Times
  • Microsoft News

What Is Bootstrap?

Bootstrap is a CSS framework and is helpful for the development of mobile-first and responsive websites. You can get responsive web design services by choosing the best Bootstrap development agency. Bootstrap 5 is the newest version. It’s a popular HTML, CSS, and JS framework for the development of responsive sites.

The developers can avoid writing lengthy CSS code if they use Bootstrap. Have a look at the below list to know some websites are built using Bootstrap.

  • Apple Maps Connect
  • Fox News
  • XO Festival
  • Clear Motion

Now you must be thinking about which software or framework would be the best choice for your business. The struggle for the right selection of development software must be there because it helps you choose the top web development services also.

Also Read: What are the benefits of having a website?

Key Differences Between WordPress and Bootstrap


WordPress and Bootstrap, both offer benefits for web development. So, choosing the one completely depends on the business type and the requirements. But if you don’t know about WordPress vs Bootstrap, it can be difficult to choose one.

So, read the below-mentioned differences between WordPress and Bootstrap.

  1. Developers can create a website in a few hours using WordPress because it requires less bandwidth. Moreover, requires no knowledge of programming languages or technical skills as it allows customizable websites. On the other hand, the developers must have strong knowledge of HTML and CSS in the case of Bootstrap because it requires more Bandwidth and time for web development.
  2. In WordPress, you will not have to write codes because everything is customizable. Likewise, you only have to drag and drop without carrying about the back-end code. A custom web design company can do it in a few hours for you. While the developers have to write the codes from scratch in Bootstrap for all the features and functions.
  3. The front-end developers can use Grid System in Bootstrap to develop designs in grid patterns. It allows the UI of the page to look in grid view. In the case of WordPress, you only have to drag and drop the designs as per need.
  4. WordPress is a Content Management System, in which you can upload images, create new ones, adjust the items that appear in the menu. Whereas, Bootstrap is a collection of CSS and JavaScript. So, you have to control everything manually, like what would be the color, size, and style of the button.
  5. Bootstrap is independent and needs no money. Whereas, WordPress is dependent on Bootstrap for UI designs. Well, you can use other frameworks instead of Bootstrap for UI and UX designs.
  6. WordPress allows user management, while Bootstrap doesn’t allow it. You can change the user’s role like subscriber, editor, administrator, author, and contributor in WordPress.

Also Read: UI vs UX: What is the difference?


Criteria WordPress Bootstrap
Definition Open-source Content Management System, best for

building dynamic websites and blogs

Based on CSS, HTML, and JavaScript. Best for

developing responsive mobile-first websites.

Usage A website is built with customization in WordPress Used to give beautiful look to the page or front-end development.
Applications Good for the development of blogs and websites Good for UI enhancement or front-end development.
Benefits Fast and easy development Beautiful UI designs development


A professional web design company understands your business requirements and offers a website of your choice. But, you must be clear about what you want on the web because then only it can work accordingly.
When there is no proper communication between developers and clients, the effect can be seen on the website. It often leads to website redesign. Well, another reason for website revamping is adopting new web design trends. Moreover, make the website more impressive and engaging.

Design is an important part, so you must know the website redesign cost as well. We are providing you with information about the cost in the below sections.



WordPress Website Development Cost

The cost of a website depends on the type of features and designs you want. Well, the WordPress website development cost runs somewhere between $500-$1000. The developers in Technource are skilled and understand your business objectives to offer a solution of your choice. You can hire developers from our web development company on an hourly basis as well.

Bootstrap Website Development Cost

If you are building the Bootstrap website on your own, there is no cost, or it’s free. If you hire a mobile UI design company, the cost of Bootstrap website development can be around $1500-$20,000. It is because the developers have to write code for features and functions for the web. It’s unlike WordPress where you can use readymade plugins to drag and drop.

Also Read: How much does Mobile app design cost?


This is all about the differences between WordPress and Bootstrap. Read the blog meticulously to find which platform would be the right choice. If you are still confused, you can contact a top web development company, Technource. We offer professional design services to meet the demands of the clients.



Saikat Ghosh working as a Business & HR head at mobile app development company, Technource. He is an Electrical engineer by education and studied management from IIM, Calcutta. He has worked last 23 years in client-facing roles like Marketing, Sales, and Support. He loves to work with on-demand app development, Marketing & Sales strategies, brainstorm new ideas, and learn from people. When he is off from his regular job, he works for his theatre group.

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