What is CVR? How to Measure It?

CVR or conversion rate is a score that shows how many people do what you want them to do on a website. CVR is no stranger to those who strive for a strong image and more revenue in the online business. They have to ensure whether their marketing tactics are useful or not; CVR is an effective way to check the same.

Whether you are a seasoned digital marketer looking to fine-tune strategies or a budding entrepreneur seeking to understand the numbers behind your online success, the Conversion rate is a helpful method. When an eCommerce development company builds a website, it focuses on creating intuitive and feature-rich designs because it also affects the conversion rate.

So, get ready to uncover the secret of conversion rate (CVR) and learn how to measure it effectively.

Is Poor CVR affecting your business_ It’s time to revamp your website.

What Is CVR?

CVR is a short form for the Conversion Rate. It is a percentage that tells how visitors on your website do what you want them to do like making a purchase, signing up for a newsletter, or clicking on a button.

Suppose, 100 people come to your shop. If 5 of them buy something, your conversion rate is 5%. It’s a way to measure how successful is your online store at turning visitors into customers or getting them to take certain actions.

A higher conversion rate percentage usually means your website is doing a good job of convincing people to do what you want, whether it’s buying, subscribing, or something else. So, it is a crucial number for anyone doing business online, helping you understand, how well your website is working.

Here is a video to listen what is CVR.

Why Is CVR Important?

CVR(conversion rate) is important for several key reasons:

1) Measuring Success:

CVR is like a report card for the success of your website or online marketing efforts. If you know what is CVR, you can tell developers to create intuitive designs for better website development. A high conversion rate means you are successfully convincing visitors to take action as per your desire.

2) Measuring Success:

If your CVR is low, it’s a signal that something might be wrong on your website. It could be that your messaging is not clear, your website design is confusing, or your offer is not compelling enough. So, by tracking the conversion rate you can pinpoint where the problem lies and take steps to fix it.

3) Optimizing Marketing:

CVR helps you evaluate the effectiveness of the marketing campaigns. If you are running ads and promotions, you can find out which ones are driving the most conversions. You can allocate your marketing budget using this information.

4) Setting Goals:

CVR allows you to set realistic and achievable goals for your website. You can aim to improve conversion rate over time, which can lead to enhanced revenue.

5) Comparing Performance:

It provides a benchmark for comparing different pages or versions of your website. You can A/B test different designs, content, or Calls to Action, and see which ones result in a higher conversion rate.

How to Measure CVR? 3 Steps

Measuring CVR is quite straightforward. Follow the below steps to measure the conversion rate properly.

Step 1: Define Your Goal

First, decide what you want people who come to your website to do. Do you want them to purchase products or services, sign up for a newsletter, or something else?

Step 2: Track Conversions

Use web analytics tools like Google Analytics to track these specific actions. Set up conversion tracking for the goals you have defined.

Step 3: Calculate CVR

Divide the number of people who completed the desired action by the total number of visitors. Get a percentage after multiplying with 100. The formula is: Number of conversions/ Total visitors* 100.


Calculate CVR

For example: If 500 people visited your online store and 25 of them made a purchase, your CVR would be

25/500*100= 5%

The worldwide conversion rate for online shopping in specific industries during the first quarter of 2023.

image source

Difference Between CVR and CTR

Often, people wonder what is the difference between CVR and CTR to create better marketing strategies. Here is a simple explanation by experts.


  • CTR measures how many people click on a specific link or ad compared to the total number of people who see it.
  • It’s like counting how many people visit a store after seeing an advertisement for it.

Formula: Number of clicks/number of impressions*100.

Example: If 1000 people saw your ad and 100 clicked on it, your CTR would be 100/1000*100= 10%

CVR(Conversion Rate):

  • CVR measures how many people take the desired action like making a purchase or subscribing compared to the total number of visitors.
  • It’s like counting how many people in the store actually buy something.

Formula: Number of conversions/Total visitors*100

Example: If 500 people visited your online store and 25 of them made a purchase, your CVR would be 25/500*100= 5%

CTR is about clicks and engagement while CVR focuses on actions and conversions. CTR shows how effective your ad or link is at getting attention. On the other hand, conversion rate tells how successful is your website at turning visitors.

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What Is a Good CVR?

A good CVR or conversion rate can vary depending on several factors, including your industry, the type of website or business, and the specific goals you have set. Let’s know some CVRs.

  • eCommerce- A typical CVR for eCommerce websites might range from 2% to 5%. It means out of every 100 visitors 2 to 5 make a purchase. A beautiful-looking website automatically attracts visitors. Check out some eCommerce website builders to give an innovative look to your online store.
  • Lead Generation: If you are aiming to generate leads or sign-ups, a good CVR might be in the range of 10% to 20%. So, for every 100 visitors, 10 to 20 would take the desired action.
  • Content and Informational Sites: These sites often have lower CVRs, maybe around 1% to 3% as their primary goal is to inform and engage visitors rather than drive immediate actions.

Remember, a ‘Good CVR’ differs from business to business. To determine what is good for you consider factors.

Want to partner with expert developers for a higher conversion rate_

Steps to Optimize CVR

Optimizing CVR is crucial for improving the effectiveness of your website or online marketing efforts. You can reach a “Good CVR” for your business. Follow the simple steps mentioned below.

  1. Set Clear Goals: Define what actions you want visitors to take on your website such as making a purchase, signing up, and filling out a contact form.
  2. Improve Website Design: Ensure your website is user-friendly and visually appealing. A complicated design can prevent visitors from taking action.
  3. Understand Your Audience: Know your target audience’s needs, preferences, and pain points. Tailor your website content and design accordingly.
  4. Compelling Call to Action: Use clear and persuasive CTAs that resonate with your goal. Make them stand out visually.
  5. Quality Content: Provide valuable, relevant, and engaging content that resonates with your audience. Highlight benefits and solve problems.
  6. Mobile Optimization: Make sure your website is mobile-responsive. Many visitors use a smartphone and poor mobile experience can hurt CVR.
  7. Page Load Speed: Speed matters. Faster loading pages improve user experience and conversion rate. Optimize images and use the best hosting service.
  8. Analytical Tools: Use tools like Google Analytics to track conversion rate and understand where visitors drop off in the conversion process.
  9. Feedback and Surveys: Gather feedback from users to expose pain points and areas for improvement. Don’t forget to address common issues proactively.
  10. Continuous Improvement: You should know that optimization is an ongoing process. Regularly review data, make adjustments, and test new strategies to boost CVR.

A CVR Example by Experts

Here is a CVR example:

App Development Service CVR:

Technource, an app development, provides software development services to clients based in the USA, UK, India, and Australia. Over the course of a month, it receives inquiries from 1,000 website visitors interested in their services. Out of these inquiries, only 50 visitors requested a quote.

To calculate CVR for project inquiries:

A CVR= Number of conversions/total visitors*100

CVR= 50/1000*100

CVR= 5%


Now you must have understood what is CVR. Checking and considering the conversion rate can help you improve your marketing techniques. You can plan effectively and skyrocket your online store. Calculating the conversion rate is so simple. Consider factors that affect your business before setting up a CVR rate. Don’t rely on the CVR rate other businesses consider. Begin improving the conversion rate by creating an intuitive, feature-rich, and innovative website.

We have helped businesses improve their CVRs by 5% with our intuitive website design services


Yogesh Kumar works at a top WordPress development company, Technource as a Digital Marketing Manager. He is a passionate individual who has in-depth knowledge of SEO and uses natural search expertise to attain and sustain maximum marketing share for organic search across the industry. With his passion for writing, he delivers many informative articles and blogs on software development, that help many people to improve their knowledge of emerging technologies, and website & app development. He is featured on Hackernoon, Dzone, Newsbreak, Enlear Academy, Articlesfactory, and much more websites. He likes to cook in his free time and discover new recipes.

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