12 Web Development Trends for 2023 and Beyond

When you come across a new website, you get stunned for a while due to its unique and beautiful designs. These days you can notice, that many websites are following the latest web development trends. It is because the trendy designs make the website attractive. Consequently, improve the user experience and conversion rate.

Gone are the days when people used to think, “Having a website for a business is a must”, instead of it, they now think “How to make a website unique or creative.” A lot of large-scale businesses want to hire the best website development company that follows powerful web development trends.

It is to not only build a website but give it a beautiful and unique design and ensure flawless functionality. Applying web development trends can make your site innovative.

You Need To Redesign The Website According To Web Trends if It has A Low Conversation Rate.

No enterprise wants an outdated design for its website, it chooses a web development trend. A business owner wants the best developers to build a scalable feature-rich yet attractive website. So, are you excited to know how to make a website appealing?

Let’s get started!

12 Web Development Trends for 2023

There are many things you have to focus on for an impressive web or app, and considering the trends is one of them. Web developers use some web development technologies that website users are liking so much these days.

Likewise, the trends help to increase traffic for the website owner. Developers use emerging technologies to give a trendy look and feel to the website. 59%

of people like to browse more a beautiful and clean website than a simple one. The first impression of the website is not related to the services, rather it is because of the designs.

Moreover, an impeccably developed website gives excellent performance and helps to enhance the user experience. We are highlighting a few web trends in the space below. So, let’s know about the future norm.

  1. Voice Search Optimization
  2. Dark Mode UI
  3. AI-Powered Chatbots
  4. Internet of Things
  5. Progressive Web Apps
  6. Single Page Application
  7. API First Development
  8. Push Notifications
  9. Accelerated Mobile Pages
  10. Serverless Architecture
  11. Blockchain Technology
  12. Motion UI

Let’s know about each of the web trends in detail below.

1. Voice Search Optimization

Voice Search Optimization

Voice search technology was first introduced in 2011 by Google. Now voice assistants are the popular web dev in 2023 and most web apps are using them. Optimized voice search helps to improve customer engagement. Apart from it, many apps are supported by cloud providers.

Have a look at the statistics below.

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You can notice that 62% was the market share of Amazon Alexa in 2017. But, Google Assistant has more market share than Amazon Alexa, which is 43%, and other web trends enjoy only a 23% market share in 2020. Alexa and Google Assistant are popular web trends.

2. Dark Mode UI

Dark Mode UI

Users first interact with UI design. It improves the website conversion rate by 400%. These days businesses are choosing Dark mode UI for their websites for better customer satisfaction. Dark background enhances page contrast and saves battery.

Jet Cooper, La Bubbly, Youzee, and many other websites use Dark Mode UI. You can read long chunks of text under this mode which is one of the internet trends in 2023. Web developers provide you with the features you want on the website. A development community comes with innovative features.

3. AI-Powered Chatbots

AI-Powered Chatbots

The size of the chatbot market is expected to reach around $1.25 billion by 2025. So, conversational artificial intelligence will remain popular in the coming years. The chatbots help to provide 24/7 hour assistance to customers. Chatbots are based on natural language processing and machine learning to create advanced communication.

Many javascript frameworks help to create Chatbots. Moreover, chatbots can become versatile shortly. Machine learning, data-retrieval methods, and language processing are important technologies to build AI chatbots.

AI is an effective technology for building a smart prediction system. Technource makes sure your website ranks on the Google page so it uses search engines features as well.

4. Internet of Things

Internet of Things

IoT is a sophisticated ecosystem of online devices connected to the internet. Many IoT devices we use on a daily basis in the office, at home, and in public places, and wear them on our bodies.

They reduce human interaction for small things. You can connect all potential objects and make your life more easy and fast. You can see the global IoT end-user spending in the image below.

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End-user spending on IoT showed steep growth in recent years. It is expected that the IoT market can be 1.6 trillion by 2025. So, it is the future of web development.

5. Progressive Web Apps


It is one of the top web development trends in 2023 because many famous companies like Starbucks, BMW, Debenhams, and Uber have PWA. It’s a website that gives a complete native mobile app experience. It has the potential to replace native mobile apps.

Moreover, progressive web applications are independent, quick, and easy to install. Core web vitals are provided by Google for a better user journey. Web application development teams use them widely because of their enhanced performance. Likewise, progressive web app helps to increase 68% of mobile traffic.

6. API First Development


There are many devices and people need them to meet their tasks. So, it becomes important to integrate all of them. The developers keep API in mind while developing a website or app so that they can integrate the different devices and platforms easily.

Moreover, you can get your digital transformation strategy right with this technology. It is new in web development, but many businesses are showing interest in it for their mobile users. Many software development companies use mobile-first development technology also based on the requirements of clients.

7. Single Page Application

Single Page Application

It is a web app implementation to load only a single web document. Later, updates the body content of that single document via JavaScript APIs. Single Page Applications download a page only once after the execution.

Many enterprises want to hire developers to make their apps and websites interactive using single-page application technology. You can offer a seamless user experience with SPA. It is one of the essential web developer trends because of better reusability, optimization, easy debugging, less complex implementation, etc.

8. Push Notifications

Push Notifications

Push notification is the latest technology for website development and proving very helpful for businesses and website users. You can use this technology to enhance the user experience and customer engagement.

Moreover, you can make users aware of important events through push notifications. So, you can provide personalized information to web or app users. It can be an effective feature on your web app for user engagement.

9. Accelerated Mobile Pages

Accelerated Mobile Pages

You can accelerate the page functionality and retain users with AMP technology. Developers use this technology to improve the performance of web pages for mobile devices. Different types of businesses are using 2023 web technologies interesting.

Around 1.4 million websites use AMP technology for better performance. Besides it, cloud computing in web development provides cloud-based services. In most websites traditional programming languages are used with cloud technology.

10. Serverless Architecture

Serverless Architecture

Work from Home culture increased the use of serverless architecture. This technology or web trend is quickly growing and the massive increase in popularity is also evident. Many web applications are built using this technology.

Now, 99% of companies use at least one private or public cloud as per the report by Flexera. Moreover, you can eliminate the architecture responsibility from your workload with this technology.

11. Blockchain Technology

Blockchain Technology

One of the crucial emerging technologies, blockchain has been growing for a while because of the high security it offers. The concept of cryptocurrency is the best example to understand this technology. Now people are expecting to get the most out of it.

Blockchain technology stores transactional information in unique blocks that are impossible to crack. We also use augmented reality and virtual reality technologies for custom animation integration. Many businesses prefer blockchain mobile apps for security. Mobile development is crucial because around 60% of web traffic comes from mobiles.

12. Motion UI

Motion UI

User experience is the most important thing to focus on these days. Many businesses are using Motion UI for a better user experience. You can hire a website development company Technource to have Motion UI for your website.

You can bring more website traffic to your site using this technology. This type of look on your website will attract more people and help in increasing the conversion rate. Today most developers use web frameworks for impressive website designs.


motion animation


Cost of Website Development in 2022

A simple website takes around 4-8 months time to get ready because it goes through many stages. So, you can understand a website’s cost depends on various factors like the size and complexity of the project, features, functions, and technologies or tools.

The average cost of website development is around $8000-$60,000. We have written a dedicated blog on  how to measure website development costs, check it for comprehensive information on the same. We also provide WordPress development services. It has a large and active community.

If you want innovative features and creative designs, the cost can be around $20,000-120,000. Technource has experts who talk to clients and discuss business ideas. It helps to clear all the doubts and make the right decision.

We sign a Non-disclosure agreement with clients to protect their ideas. If you also want to get genuine suggestions on web development share your idea with us. If you don’t get the best idea yet, check out the 21 excellent Industry-based app ideas for startups.

Which Web Trend Would Be Cost-Effective & The Best For Your Dream Project_

Frequently Asked Questions


Most used programming languages for web development


What is the future of web development?


How to find out the best web development trend?


What can be the best technology for my website?


How to find the web development cost?




Saikat Ghosh working as a Business & HR head at mobile app development company, Technource. He is an Electrical engineer by education and studied management from IIM, Calcutta. He has worked last 23 years in client-facing roles like Marketing, Sales, and Support. He loves to work with on-demand app development, Marketing & Sales strategies, brainstorm new ideas, and learn from people. When he is off from his regular job, he works for his theatre group.

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