How Much Does It Cost to Develop a Web App in 2023?

Google docs, Netflix, Trello, Basecamp, and Microsoft Office are the most famous web apps. Today, several businesses are moving to have these types of apps and want to know the exact web app development cost for the growth of their businesses. It is because web apps are compatible, require authentication to access, highly deployable, and secure.

The enterprises like to go with progressive web apps (PWA) because these types of apps are native to their counterparts, the development cost is low, no need to use the app store, and push notifications are now possible in them. Uber, Starbucks, Debenhams, Soundslice, MakeMyTrip, Pinterest, and Spotify are the best examples of PWA.

You must be thinking, where everyone wants to know how to develop an app for mobile, why do a lot of people want to develop web apps? It is because IOTs and Wearables are getting popular. And numerous sectors like travel, education, healthcare, eCommerce, entertainment, media, and retail dominate the market of web apps.

If you have a business idea and want an amazing online presence for the success of your business, which type of app should you go with? To resolve this confusion, know about native vs hybrid vs web apps.

As you read above popularity of web apps is increasing, so read below to know why you should choose a web app for your business.

Why Should You Develop a Web App?

Although the number of mobile apps is increasing in the app store, 50% of people uninstall the apps, because they cover space and fulfill little purpose. Moreover, progressive web apps have more than a 35% of conversion rate than native apps.

Have a look at the benefits below

  • Navigating through the web app is easy
  • No security concerns from unknown sources
  • Provides excellent user experience
  • Allowed multiple screens to open at a time
  • PWA is lighter than a mobile app.
  • It uses modern web capabilities like APIs
  • Works everywhere & give a native app-like experience
  • Cuts the online deployment cost
  • Higher level of security compared to mobile apps
  • The installation process is easy and manageable
  • Updates in the Web apps are applied centrally

These are the important reasons why you should develop a web app for your business. Many other companies already have this type of online presence. Have a look at the growth trend below. By seeing it you can understand the future of web apps is impressive.




If you have decided to make a web app, the first question that comes is about the cost. Well, this is not fixed because several factors play a crucial role to determine the cost of web app development. Before you know about the factors, it is important you know about the types of web apps because you have to select one type for your business.

Types of Web Applications

The web app development cost depends on the type of app you want. There are around 5 types of web apps. They are as follows.

  • Static
  • Dynamic
  • Web Portal
  • Animation
  • CMS


As the name implies, this type of web app is useful for showcasing static content like portfolios. The static web app is cost-effective because it takes less time and is easy to develop. Likewise, HTML and CSS languages are used to develop this type of app, and it cost around $755-$8,000.


In this type of website, dynamic content is shown. So, the different users can see a variety of content from anywhere. In the case of the static web app, you can’t hold the entire database, but it is possible in dynamic web apps. The best web development company takes around $10,000-$25,000.

Web Portal:

There are many web portals for B2C, B2B, vendor, learning, and community. These web portals are different from each other in some other sense. They are helpful in document management and search. However, the cost of the web portal is around $5,000-$40,000.


You have to keep cross-platform development into consideration while using animation in the app-building. It is important because today people want something new, and if they don’t get it, they will not use the app again. For animation web development, the top web development services cost you around $25,000.


A perfect CMS is crucial to keep the app updated and fulfill the need of the users. CMS gives you complete control over your website like if you want to edit, delete, and include some changes, you can do all of them easily through CMS.

These are the 5 types of web apps. Now you can decide which type of app you would like to develop for your business. The below section will make you aware of all the factors that affect the cost of web apps. We have also written about the cost of creating an appwebsite development cost, you should also read both to learn more about the development cost. Read them one by one in detail, so that you can make a wise decision. Have a look.


Factors Affect the Web App Development Cost?

Sometimes back, big enterprises liked to have a website for their business, but now they want web apps, so there must be a difference between website and web application cost. Technource has complied all the possible factors that affect the cost of the web application for you below.

  • Functionality & Features
  • UI/UX Design Complexity
  • Technology Uses
  • Innovative or Standard Features
  • Development Team
  • Salaries of the Developers

Functionality & Features:

What type of features you want in the app affects the cost because they require particular expertise during development. In the same way, the functions in the web apps are responsible for a high or low web app development cost.

UI/UX Design Complexity:

The attractive design of web apps proves beneficial to have more leads, so businesses tell the developers to create engaging UI/UX, which is sometimes complex. But, do you know the cost to design a mobile app affects the final cost of web app development majorly?

Technology Uses:

For progressive web applications development purposes, a developer has to use HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Chrome DevTools. Moreover, several frameworks and tools are also used. If you want, you can check our dedicated blog on the top web development frameworks.

Innovative or Standard Features:

If you want standard features in your web app, the cost would be low. But if you want, completely different or innovative features, then the cost can go high. It is because the developers have to build logic to write code for innovative features, and it needs more time and effort.

Development Team:

You have to decide on the web app development team, but this is a cumbersome task. There are three types of developers. You can hire anyone for your project as per the convenience.

In-House Team:

When you hire in-house developers, you can feel free because the company will take care of everything. Moreover, the developers are skilled and responsible. Likewise, you will not have to hire different professionals like back-end developers, front-end developers, data analysts, web designers, QAs, and Copywriters separately. And this is one of the reasons to hire a reputed web development company.


Cost reduction is the major benefit you will have when you hire freelancers for your project. You can negotiate the time and price for the development. Here are some risk factors like idea protection and lack of communication.


When you outsource the developers, your app is developed using the latest tools and technologies. Other reasons for choosing these types of developers are cost-saving, the best talent, and quick work. But, poor communication and lack of quality work are the risk factors in outsourcing.

Salaries of the Developers:

An entire team of professionals works on your project so their salaries are also counted in your web app development cost. Even, the salaries of the developers affect the final cost of building an app more than anything, so you must have an idea about the average salary. It helps to decide your budget.

Have a look at the web developers’ salaries across the globe.



These were the factors that affect the final cost of the web app. Most companies who build web apps also provide mobile app development services because many technologies are used in both types of apps.

You can discuss your business idea with a trustable development company in the USA and know about the cost. But, the size of the project also affects the cost. Read below to know in which type of web app your idea fits.

Category Wise Cost of the Web Apps



According to the business idea, need, features, complexity level, and many other factors, an app is divided into three parts. Read about them below.

  • Simple
  • Medium
  • Large
  • Innovative


If you want simple or basic functionalities in your app, it comes under simple app development. So, the developers require less effort and time as a result it reduces the cost of web app development.

Development Time: 1-3 Months
Development Cost: $5,000-$30,000


Medium types of apps are also called custom apps. The developers use interactive UI/UX designs in the medium apps, and you can also have add-on features.

Development Time: 2-6 Months
Development Cost: $30,000-$50,000


It comes under complex web app development because it includes exclusive CMS features, advanced functionalities, and the latest technologies. Also, include the integration of social media, payment gateway, and check-out carts.

Development Time: 9-12 Months
Development Cost: $50,000-$1,00000


Big companies and enterprises need innovative websites and software that can run effortlessly in a corporate environment. So, according to their needs, the developers have to include CMS, work for complex and wide functionalities, and integrate an email marketing system as well.

Development Time: 12-24 Months
Development Cost: $ 1,00000-$2,00000

Now you must have understood what can be the cost of your app. We are the top mobile app development firm that is why our analyst can provide you the complete detail about the same. Even, you can also calculate the development cost yourself. Want to know how, read the below points.

How Can You Calculate the Web App Development Cost Yourself?

It is very important to analyze the cost of web app development at your level before you go for a consultation and look for a web development company in the USA. The below points can make this task easy for you. Follow them to calculate the web app development.

  • Follow Intense Research
  • Understand the Basic Technologies
  • Know About Development Resources

Follow Intense Research:

Research is the key to finding out what can be the correct cost. You can discuss with the people who have developed similar web apps, read about the popular web apps and their functionalities. Moreover, know the tech stack used in them.

Understand the Basic Technologies:

Java, C#, Swift, TypeScript, JavaScript, and Kotlin are the main programming languages used in web app development. Moreover, several different front-end and back-end frameworks play a crucial role in the development.

Know About Development Resources:

Many resources are used for the development of the web app, you can know about them. Some are as follows, skilled designer developers, QA, testing team, back-end developers, development platforms, and integration tools.

If you have excellent industry-based app ideas for start-ups and want to disclose them to a reliable development company that can build an app under your budget, Technource can help you.

How Technource Offers Web Apps at an Affordable Price?

We provide web apps, mobile apps, hybrid apps, and website development services to all industries and enterprises. With 9+ years of experience and a team of more than 50 developers, we have become the top software development company in the USA. You can also check a custom software development cost in 2022.

And we are able to provide robust, scalable, and engaging web apps to businesses worldwide. So, know the reasons why we are the affordable service provider below.

Thoroughly Discuss Your Business Idea:

You can discuss your idea with us and inform us about your requirements. And based on your requirements we inform you about the cost. The best web app under the budget seems like a dream to many entrepreneurs. But we turn your dream into reality with efficient developers.

Suggest You the Right Things

Many times, you don’t know which technology and programming language would be cost-effective for your website, and as a result, you end up giving more to the company. But we suggest you the technologies, programming languages, and other resources according to your business and website type.

Take Less Time for Development

We understand the value of time for your business start-up, so we try to develop the web app on time. Likewise, if the app development time is more, the cost can be more. So, we follow the Agile development methodology to offer value on time.

If you still have any doubt regarding the cost of web app development or anything regarding the development, read the FAQs provided below.


Frequently Asked Questions


What are the benefits of having a web app?


How much do you charge for web app development?


Can you suggest to me which type of app would be the best?


How can I find the best web app development company?


How much time will you take to build my web app?


A robust and engaging web app increases the visibility of your business. It leads to more users and the growth of the business. If you want growth, hire the best web app developers, from Technource. They are skilled at various technologies and provide quick and accurate solutions under the affordable web app development cost.


  • Estimation of web app development cost
  • Factors that affect the web app development cost
  • Types of apps & their development costs according to category
  • Points to follow for the calculation of development cost

Technource is a leading software development company in the USA. We have efficient developers who are skilled in different languages and technologies. Moreover, they have the expertise to use engaging UI/UX designs, the latest tools, and frameworks.

We have handled projects from many spheres of businesses and know how to deal with simple, medium, and complex projects. By following the simple hiring process, you can hire the top web app developers under your


Yogesh Kumar works at a top WordPress development company, Technource as a Digital Marketing Manager. He is a passionate individual who has in-depth knowledge of SEO and uses natural search expertise to attain and sustain maximum marketing share for organic search across the industry. With his passion for writing, he delivers many informative articles and blogs on software development, that help many people to improve their knowledge of emerging technologies, and website & app development. He is featured on Hackernoon, Dzone, Newsbreak, Enlear Academy, Articlesfactory, and much more websites. He likes to cook in his free time and discover new recipes.

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