Top 10 Most In-Demand Programming Languages in 2023


There has been an exponential rise in the number of many programming languages available in the market. Today one has a plethora of options in the market to develop mobile apps, games, websites, web apps, and more.

The upside to IT is that any individual no matter which degree they hold can learn to program using in demand programming languages. Hence, IT industries have also experienced the same, especially with the tough times that the pandemic has shown us over the past year.

And it only makes sense to learn in-demand programming languages if you opt to learn a new programming language. Therefore we decided to bring you this read that shares the most popular programming languages ruling the market in 2023. Read on till the end and make the best of it.


Top In-demand Programming Languages in 2023

Most businesses want an effective online presence and for this, they need applications or websites. Many hire the best developers for creating web pages. But sometimes businesses get confused when it comes to selecting the right programming language for the software. Here is the list of the best programming languages in 2023.



JavaScript has the longest runs when compared with other development technologies. If you observe the top 10 programming languages listed by TIOBE, JavaScript has made the list for the past 10 years. As per a survey done by Stack Overflow, JavaScript is the most commonly used language all over the globe (69.7%), followed by HTML/CSS (62.4%), SQL (56.9%), Python (41.6%), and Java (38.4%).

Java is widely used for game & web development, mobile apps, and creating web servers. One can control the behavior of web pages using JavaScript. It’s one of the best platforms to build dynamic web elements such as interactive maps, animated graphics, clickable buttons, and more. Programmers who master JavaScript, HTML, & CSS can develop better websites and design a better user experience in terms of readability and navigation.

One of the primary reasons why JavaScript works well is because it’s one of the easiest languages to learn, and requires no prior coding knowledge. Therefore, you can start learning the same, practice, and start playing with it. The scripting language offers effective frameworks for system administration.

Angular JS is one of the best frameworks and a huge developer community in 2023. You can hire Angularjs developers for your dream project from Technource.

As the language is so ubiquitous there are numerous courses, communities, and places you can look for professional support. If you’re not a technical person you might want to seek help from a JavaScript development company to create what you’ve imagined.



If you’re a programmer or wish to like using several programming styles such as reflective, object-oriented, functional, and more, then this general-purpose programming language is just the right fit for you. Several renowned digital tools like Google Search, YouTube, and iRobot Machines were created with Python, one of the best functional programming languages.

The upside to Python is that it’s easy to grasp for professional coders and beginners alike. The platform offers a huge library that supports common tasks and commands. The code testing time is highly reduced due to the interactive features of the languages such as quick code tests.

This allows coders to test long sections of code in one go. Likewise, Python is the most used language for web scraping, big data analysis, deep learning applications, and data science. Aspiring candidates can develop a basic understanding of data analysis and develop advanced understanding as well.

Python also has a great advantage from a professional perspective. As per a survey, more than 50% of hiring managers are seeking programmers who know the language. If you observe Python can be considered one of the most well-marketed programming languages of 2023.

However, if you want to explore web development, you should select the best IDE for web development in 2023. Due to such an increase in clients opting for Python, there has been a massive increase in the number of Python web development services around the globe. Check out the openings for junior Python jobs.



Java is an object oriented and general-use programming language. It is one of the top programming languages. The reason for such high popularity of this high level programming language is that it’s the native language of Android. It is also used by web developers.

Using this programming language software developers can create objects that encompass data and functions which are then used to design structures for applications and programs.

The language held the #5 spot on the most commonly used language for 2 years on Stack Overflow’s list. The reason for this language’s popularity is because it’s easy to learn, and apply, offers high security, and is great for handling massive amounts of data.

Due to such attractive features, Java has become the go-to language for the online financial sector. And is widely used by industries such as billing, the stock market, and banking. It offers many interactive qualities for Java developers.

The high-end versatility is what’s most appealing about the language. The software made using Java is termed “Write Once, Run-Anywhere”. Irrespective of the OS used in writing the original code, Java is independent to work on any OS. So not only computers and mobile phones but also sensors, remote processors, and a spectrum of other consumer products can leverage this tech.



Structured Query Language or SQL is one of the most used programming languages to develop and manipulate databases as per their will. It’s primarily designed to manage data in a Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) and hence is considered a domain-specific language. In a nutshell, SQL performs data location and retrieval, while allowing you to add, update, or remove records.

SQL databases are highly functional but tend to work best with small databases. It’s not the most preferred tech when trying to manage expansive ones. Having said this, SQL is still the third-most used language in the coding industry. Most applications of SQL can be found in sales reports, database management, and business management.



Pronounced C Sharp and it is one of the popular languages. It was introduced by Microsoft in 2002. It’s a high-level improvement on the C++ coding language and a prominent member of the object-oriented programming languages. 

C# is one of the most popular programming languages for developing desktop and web applications and making waves as a general-purpose language. Being such an old language, the platform has a huge community that offers enormous support to its learners.

Hence, this becomes a preferred choice as compared to some of the other new but less-documented languages. In addition to this, the platform is perfect for developing games, VR, desktop, web, and mobile applications. The platform is also efficient at developing Progressive Web Apps.



One will immediately hear the name Kotlin when we talk about native or Android app development. As per a Stack Overflow survey, Kotlin ranks 4th as the most loved programming language. After Google declared Kotlin as its preferred language for Android development, Kotlin’s popularity skyrocketed.

The language is known as a general-purpose language but offers functional programming features and is an object-oriented language. The advantage of using the same is that it supports all Java libraries and is interoperable with Java. In addition to Android development, the platform can also be used for web and desktop application development.

Some of the popular frameworks of Kotlin include Vert.x, KTor, and Javelin. One can also grab job opportunities at renowned workplaces such as Netflix, Uber, Pinterest, and more such places. And the market for Android development is on the rise, hence learning Kotlin can highly benefit you in 2023.

Java and Kotlin are both widely used for Android development. They include some features from the C language. You can study the Kotlin vs Java comparison guides to learn the best suitable platform for your business need.



Go was developed by Google in 2007 to develop web apps and APIs. Though the language hasn’t received an exponential growth rate, it’s still witnessed an observable increase in its popularity and demand.

This new language or young language falls under the top 5 most loved languages, with companies like Google and Uber working with the same. Due to investments from such big tech giants, one can assume that the language has a bright future.

Go has a syntax similar to C, is statistically typed, and was developed by Google. Using Go one can try several features such as dynamic typing, type safety, garbage collection, high performance, efficiency, and more.

The language can also be used in cloud computing and distributed systems as it supports multithreading. One can instantly find solutions to execution, slow compilation, rich standard library, and more using this language.



Many think that PHP isn’t a language worth learning in 2023 or it’s a dead end. But this is not the case, and PHP is still being preferred by developers in the tech world. And it is still the top programming language to learn. Even it is a popular language for complex projects.

As per TIOBEs December 2021 survey, PHP secured 8th place in the top 10 programming languages available. It comes at the top of the list of more modern languages.

Many known tech giants like Facebook, WordPress, and Wikipedia, have accepted that they’ve highly relied on PHP and you can find numerous job opportunities there. 

This open-source language is used for server-side scripting. It offers stand-out features such as object-oriented programming, cross-platform compatibility, quick integration with JavaScript, CSS, and HTML, huge community support, and more.

As the language is extremely easy to learn it’s best recommended for beginners. Some of the best PHP frameworks that you can start working with are Laravel, CodeIgnitor, and more.

Therefore, if you’re looking to enter the web development market, then PHP is surely the right fit for you. Though if you’re not efficient with programming you should hire a PHP web development company from the go.



iOS apps earn massive revenue and have a loyal consumer base, and Swift plays a huge role in its success. As per Statista, a whopping 1.84 million apps were available on the Apple app store as of 2019. Plus there is a massive increase in iOS app development over the past 5 years.

Swift was developed by Apple in 2014 and is a huge development over Objective-C. The language is easy to learn, apply, and reliable when comes to software or application development. Developers can build embedded systems as well.

The application created using the same is robust and secure. With this platform, one can heed benefits such as scalability,  simplified coding, automatic memory management, and more.



The 3 top tech trends of 2023 include AI, Machine Learning, and Data Science. With the high demand for the triad, the programming language R has also gained huge popularity.

Similar to Python, R also provides you with a wide set of frameworks and libraries. This makes this language a perfect fit for creating statistical models and machine learning algorithms.

If you’re inclined toward building a programming career in data analytics, you should start learning R today. A company that visualizes and analyses large chunks of data always requires programmers that are proficient with the R programming language.

After knowing the popular programming languages, you can easily figure out which language can suit your project. And which is the most popular programming language to learn for an exciting career in app and website development.

There are many other programming languages apart from those mentioned in the blog. But most developers use them because they are the highest-paying programming languages also. Many other languages are in-demand coding languages. So, choose the best programming languages and make the right decisions for software development.

Wrapping Up

Here’s a wrap on this read. If you’re looking out for developing your web or mobile app but are confused about which of the preceding languages will be best suitable for the same, don’t be! You are just at the doorsteps of an app development company that masters this feat. 

Whether you want to build a cross-platform app or want to hire iOS developers, Technource has got you covered. Get in touch with us today to develop your business-specific software at the most affordable rates. Sign up for a free consultation. Thank you for reading.

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Mr. Sanjay Singh Rajpurohit, An early-aged entrepreneur who always leads his team from the front and achieved success. As the founder & CEO of Technource, a top mobile app & Web development company, he made a global presence in a short time by offering custom software development, premium mobile apps, and website development services to global clients. In his free time, he loves writing. He is featured on Hackernoon, Dzone, Enlear Academy, Articlesfactory, and much more websites.

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