Top 5 Programming Languages for Web Development in 2024

Which programming language is the most suitable one for web development? Are you also struggling with this question? Having basic information about programming languages, benefits, and usage helps to choose the best programming language for your dream project.

We have handpicked the top 5 programming languages for you after research and with the help of our developers at the web development company. Have you ever tried to find out why there are different programming languages? Why don’t developers use one programming language for creating all the websites?

Well, the answer is, that not all programming languages are designed for every type of website. That’s why, it takes time to find out the right language according to the website’s requirements and needs. After going through this blog, you will be able to select the right programming language for a website you have planned for this year.

Ways to select the best programming language for your website

Before you read about the top 5 programming languages, you need to understand how to choose the right language for your website development. Knowing these popular web languages will help you match the needs of your project.

  1. Find the reason behind building a website:
    Be clear about why you need a website, how it is going to help your business, and what are your goals. Do market research, analyze the competitors, and collect information crucial for commencing web development.
  2. Assess your technical requirements:
    Evaluate the technical aspects of your project, including frontend, backend, and database needs. Determine if you need a language that specializes in specific tasks like data analysis, real-time updates, and eCommerce functionality.
  3. Consider your team’s expertise:
    You have to check the skill set and friendliness of your development team with different programming languages. Choose a language that aligns with your team’s positives and negatives to expedite development and maintenance processes.
  4. Research language ecosystem:
    Investigate the ecosystem surrounding each website programming language, including available frameworks, libraries, and tools. You also have to consider community support, documentation quality, and availability of third parties for learning and troubleshooting.
  5. Evaluate performance and scalability:
    You have to analyze the performance of each programming language. Check it for speed, scalability, and performance. Also, consider factors like memory management and concurrency support. Developers understand all these terms very well, so they can help you pick the right programming language for you.
  6. Future compatibility:
    Anticipate future needs and scalability requirements for your website. Choose a programming language that offers flexibility to accommodate future enhancements. It should also be capable of accommodating updates and changes in technology trends.
  7. See expert advice:
    Consult with a top web development company for web coding languages. Talk to peers and people who are in the business of app and website development as they have plenty of knowledge. Consider hiring experienced developers for your project.

Confused about which programming language will be right for your website_

Top 5 Programming Languages for Web Development

Here is the list of all 5 programming languages. You can choose the best language now as you know how to do it because of the previous section. So, let’s get started.

  1. Python
  2. JavaScript
  3. TypeScript
  4. PHP
  5. Ruby

Learn about these popular programming languages in the detail below and find out which one aligns with your website development requirements.

  1. Python:

    Today we know Python is the most suitable programming language for Machine Learning and AI software solutions. However, the language is also suitable for website development. Many developers, businesses, and IT companies use Python to build an excellent backend of the website.

    Python in Website Development
    Python is widely used in web development for both types of development, backend and frontend. Frameworks like Django and Flask have tools and libraries to create web applications impeccably. A Python development company uses these frameworks to focus on website logic effectively.

    While Python is not typically used for front-end development, it can be integrated with different technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. You can use frameworks like React and Angular to build interactive interfaces.


    • Readability:
      Python’s clean syntax and readability make it easier to write and maintain code. It speeds up development time.
    • Large ecosystem:
      Python offers a large ecosystem of libraries and frameworks that simplify web development tasks such as Flask, Pyramid, and Django.
    • Versatility:
      It can be used for various web development tasks from backend server logic to data processing and analysis. You can also use it for Python app development.
    • Community support:
      Python’s active community provides a great contribution to the ecosystem. They provide support for this website programming language.
    • Scalability:
      Python is scalable as it allows developers to build both small-scale projects and large-scale applications.


    • Performance:
      Compared to lower-level languages like C and C++ Python may not be as fast in execution. If you want a high-performing website then it can be a concern.
    • Global interpreter lock (GIL):
      Global Interpreter Lock of Python can limit its performance. Well, new versions of Python don’t have this limitation.
    • Framework overhead:
      Some Python web frameworks such as Django, come with a lot of built-in features. It can lead to increased overhead and potentially slower performance.
    • Learning curve:
      While Python’s syntax is easy to grasp, you may have to struggle to learn its advanced functionalities.
  2. JavaScript:


    Do you know that 98% of websites in the world are powered by JavaScript? This high-level programming language works effectively for client-side development. It also offers the best JavaScript frameworks to make the development journey easier.

    JavaScript in website development
    This versatile language is embedded within HTML documents and executed by the web browser on the client’s machine. Developers can manipulate the structure, content, and style of the web pages in response to user actions.

    It is also suitable for creating engaging UI/UX. With the advent of a run-time environment, Node JS can also be used for backend development. So, you can also use it for full-stack development with the help of a single programming language. Check out the difference between Java and JavaScript to avoid any confusion between these technologies.


    • Client-side interactivity:
      Developers can create engaging web experiences for users. It also enhances usability and engagement.
    • Versatility:
      JavaScript can be used in frontend and backend development. It allows full-stack development with a consistent language.
    • Cross-platform compatibility:
      The language is supported by most of the web browsers. It makes the JavaScript platform an independent language for web development.
    • Asynchronous programming:
      JavaScript supports asynchronous programming. It allows developers to execute non-blocking operations, handle concurrent tasks efficiently, and create responsive web applications.


    • Browser compatibility:
      The behavior of the JavaScript programming language can differ across different browsers. So, you as a developer have to check its compatibility with multiple browsers.
    • Security risks:
      Cross-site scripting can be an issue as it attacks if not properly sanitized and validated. It happens because of security vulnerabilities exposed by the client side.
    • Performance:
      Intensive JavaScript operations can impact website performance. It affects devices with limited processing power or slower network connections.
    • Learning curve:
      JavaScript has a deep learning curve for beginners. Learning advanced concepts requires more time, effort, and practice in this language.
    • Dependency management:
      Managing dependencies and keeping up with the updates can be challenging because of a lot of libraries and frameworks. It sometimes leads to compatibility issues.
  3. Your great idea and our seamless implementation, an effective formula for the best website

  4. TypeScript:


    TypeScript is also a programming language but it is built on JavaScript. It enhances the functionalities and features of JavaScript. TypeScript adds extra features like static typing and more advanced tooling.

    TypeScript in website development
    This programming language offers many features and enhances website development. From catching errors early, and improving code readability, to offering enhanced tooling for navigation and refactoring are the main tasks of TypeScript. It collaborates with existing JavaScript libraries and frameworks.

    However, learning TypeScript is as difficult as JavaScript. Despite many challenges, TypeScript benefited many projects making it a valuable choice for website development.


    • Static typing:
      Static typing helps catch errors at the early stage and it also makes code robust which is good for developers to build high-quality websites.
    • Enhanced tooling:
      As the name implies, it is a set of improved development tools. It includes features such as text editors, command line tools, and an integrated development environment (IDE). They all support TypeScript development.
    • Improved readability:
      TypeScript codes are easy to understand because of type annotations. Parameters, variables, and return values are presented legibly in the documents to make the work of developers easy.
    • Large ecosystem:
      TypeScript offers a large ecosystem in which popular JavaScript libraries and frameworks are integrated seamlessly. Developers can use JavaScript code bases and third-party libraries without friction.
    • Backward compatibility:
      You can use TypeScript code in the JavaScript projects. Developers don’t have to completely rewrite code written in any language, JavaScript, or TypeScript.


    • Learning Curve:
      TypeScript requires some time to learn, especially for developers new to Static Typing. So, it is not a beginner-friendly programming language for many aspiring developers.
    • Compilation overhead:
      Compilation overhead adds an extra step to the development process. This is because TypeScript code needs to be compiled into JavaScript.
    • Tooling dependency:
      You have to rely on specific tooling that might not be as mature and equal as JavaScript.
    • Over-engineering:
      In small projects and prototypes, the added complexity of TypeScript might not be necessary.
  5. PHP:


    Do you know that 22% of the top 10,000 websites are powered by PHP programming language? In 2024, PHP powers around 76% of websites for server-side development. PHP is used by embedding it with HTML code, which allows developers to create dynamic web pages and web applications.

    PHP in website development
    PHP is widely used for server-side scripting. It interacts with databases like MySQL to retrieve, store, and manipulate data. It allows developers to generate dynamic content. Moreover, PHP validates user input and processes data before sending it to the server.


    • Ease of use:
      Beginners find PHP easy to learn as its syntax is straightforward. Its intuitive structure helps beginners to build websites with a minimal learning curve. This nature of PHP is also good for rapid development.
    • Wide adoption:
      As we all know, more than 70% of websites in the world are powered by PHP, thus wide adoption is evident. A vast community of developers and substantial documentation make it easy for more beginners to learn this language.
    • Integration:
      PHP integrates with different databases, operating systems, and web servers. PHP developers can work with a wide range of technologies. It enables efficient communication and interaction. PHPStorm is the latest IDE that makes coding and testing easy and allows easy integration.
    • Open source:
      Developers can use and enhance the source code of PHP as it is freely available. It also helps in the cost-effective development of a website. You are required to pay no licensing fees to use this language.
    • Performance:
      PHP is designed for website development as it supports fast execution and minimal memory usage. You can create high-performing applications and websites yourself or outsource PHP development.


    • Scalability challenges:
      Large PHP code bases are heavy and complex which makes the website’s scalability difficult. You have to follow careful architecture and optimization.
    • Security vulnerabilities:
      Poorly written PHP code can lead to security vulnerabilities, like cross-site scripting (XSS) and SQL injection.
    • Inconsistencies:
      We know that PHP doesn’t follow strict typing. Because of this particular nature of PHP, often developers face inconsistencies and potential run-time errors.
    • Maintenance overhead:
      Maintenance of PHP websites is a big concern because as the code grows over time, a website becomes complex to handle. Code refactoring may become challenging. Often following PHP web development trends every time makes code heavy.
  6. Ruby:


    It is a high-level programming language known for its simple syntax. You need the Ruby on Rails framework to write code for building your website. It offers a structured and accurate way to develop web applications.

    Ruby in website development
    Ruby on Rails is a popular web framework that follows a model view controller (MVC) pattern. It simplifies the development of database-backed applications. A proper structure for web development is crucial and Ruby streamlines this process. Whether it is rapid prototyping or iterative development, Ruby on Rails is an effective option.

    There are some top Ruby on Rails IDEs and text editors, making frontend and backend web development easy and quick. So that developers can work on all parts and aspects of the web application using a single programming language and framework.


    • Clean and readable syntax:
      Developers can easily read and maintain the code of Ruby on Rails because of its legible syntax. It attracts more beginners to adopt this language to build websites.
    • Active community:
      Contribution to the ecosystem of a programming language by a large number of developers helps beginners. Ruby on Rails also offers an active and large community and plenty or resources and tutorials.
    • Convention over configuration:
      “Convention over Configuration” is a popular principle in this language. It means the language allows developers to make assumptions about the best ways to do things, eliminating the requirement for explicit configuration.
    • Productivity:
      You can achieve the highest productivity by using Ruby, one of the popular web languages. Building complex web applications is also easy with this language.


    • Performance:
      Ruby can be slower compared to some other programming languages. So if you are planning to develop a high-performance website, Ruby might not be the right option.
    • Scalability:
      Ruby on Rails is suitable for making small to large web solutions. You may find it difficult to deal with high-traffic volume websites powered by Ruby.
    • Learning Curve:
      While Ruby’s syntax is easy to learn, mastering the Ruby on Rails framework is quite complex, especially for developers new to the web development world or who are from.
    • Dependency Management:
      Sometimes, Ruby’s dependency management system leads to version conflicts or compatibility issues. Ruby’s Gem version requires your careful attention to reduce the conflicts.

All these programming Languages have functionalities, features, and frameworks that help developers. However, according to the need and complexity level of the website choice of language can change


Website development is a combination of various stages and technologies. You have to choose the right programming language at first because this is the foundation of robust and successful software solutions. Knowing the top 5 web coding languages, their usage in website development, and pros and cons, will help you decide which can be the best programming language for your website in 2024.

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Saikat Ghosh working as a Business & HR head at mobile app development company, Technource. He is an Electrical engineer by education and studied management from IIM, Calcutta. He has worked last 23 years in client-facing roles like Marketing, Sales, and Support. He loves to work with on-demand app development, Marketing & Sales strategies, brainstorm new ideas, and learn from people. When he is off from his regular job, he works for his theatre group.

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