The Rise of Low-Code/No-Code Mobile App Development

Do you want to build an application? First, learn a programming language and then write code for the app features and functions. Low Code/No Code has removed this limitation. Now you don’t have to sound technically good as developing an app is also possible for non-technical people.

It’s not easy for everyone, to first learn a programming language and then develop an app according to their needs. It’s time-consuming and doesn’t allow you to innovate rapidly to meet changing business needs. Every app development company is in a race to deliver the best in the least time, and code automation helps in the same.

There are many of the best No Code app builders nowadays in the market. We will talk about the latest No Code app software in this blog along with the benefits and a glimpse into the history and future of Low Code.

Are you ready to know how to build an app without knowing coding?

What Is Low-Code/No-Code?

It is a way to build software with minimal or no traditional coding. Non-technical people can also develop an application using visual development interfaces in low-code software. They don’t have to write code to build features and functionalities instead, they only have to drag and drop.

Low code software provides users with pre-built components allowing them to build applications quickly and efficiently. No Code platforms take it a step further, allowing non-technical users to build fully functional apps without writing any code.

Till a few years back, only an app development company or an individual with programming language knowledge could develop an application and website. No Code app builder software has removed this barrier to allow everyone to enter the software development space.

Is there really no need for code to develop an app?

While it’s true that No Code platforms enable app development without traditional coding, some level of understanding about the app logic and design principles is still necessary.

No code platforms provide visual interfaces that generally an Android app development company or iOS company could build for their clients. These platforms offer pre-built components so that users will not face difficulty while using them.

However, users still need to configure these elements to create functional apps. Low-code mobile app development for iOS and Android wants users to familiarize themselves with the basics of app development. So, folks you need to taste the water before the beginning.

Often, complex and highly customized apps may require advanced features that can only be implemented with coding skills. Well, for many basic to moderately complex applications, no-code platforms can be sufficient. It helps non-technical users to create apps independently.

Overall, while coding knowledge is not always necessary, a basic understanding of app development concepts is for sure important. So that you can use the no-code tools effectively.

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Why Is Low Code/No Code Useful?

Every business wants to grow faster than others, so in the USA 4 out of 5 businesses use low code. And 23% of businesses in the world use Low Code software to build applications faster with cost efficiency.

Have a look at the market revenue from 2018 to 2024 for Low Code software in the world.
market revenue from 2018 to 2024 for Low Code software in the world

Image Source

What does it indicate? The market revenue of the Low Code platform is expected to reach 32 billion US dollars in 2024. This means, more people will use the platforms, because of the benefits they offer to an app development company and businesses.

Here are the key benefits offered by Low Code/No Code (LCNC) platforms.

  1. Speed:
    You don’t have to sit to write every code for every feature on the app. The platform provides pre-built components for fast development. It reduces the time to market.
  2. Cost-efficiency:
    You can save money that you spend on hiring technical experts. LCNC lowers development costs and resource requirements.
  3. Accessibility:
    It eliminates the need to learn coding to build an application, which allows non-technical folks to develop an app. They can also access the LCNC platform and build software of their choice.
  4. Flexibility:
    LCNC platforms offer customizable templates and pre-built components. Traditional software development companies similar to a “React Native app development company” are embracing these platforms.
  5. Innovation:
    Since you don’t have to write code for all the logic while using an LCNC, you will have plenty of time to be creative and innovative. It enables organizations to explore new ideas.
  6. Scalability:
    While Low Code/No Code platforms have initial limitations, many offer scalability options to accommodate growing user bases and evolving business needs.
  7. Agility:
    LCNC uses Agile development methodologies. It helps development teams to respond quickly to changing requirements and market trends.

Top 10 Low Code/No Code App Builders

If you are also a non-technical person but want to build your app or any software, here are the top No Code/Low Code app development tools for you. Check out these best tools to build apps with no use of coding.

  1. Bubble
  2. Glide
  3. Softr
  4. Bildr
  5. Draftbit
  6. Zapier Interfaces
  7. FlutterFlow
  8. Backendless
  9. Airtable
  10. Zoho Creator

Learn about all these LCNC development platforms in the detail below and choose the one that best suits your project requirements.

  1. Bubble

    Bubble is a visual programming platform that allows users to make web applications with no use of coding. It includes drag and drag-and-drop interface for designing and building interactive web apps. It also offers features for database integration, workflows, and user authentication.

  2. Glide

    It is a No Code software for building mobile apps directly from Google Sheets. Our Travel app development company often takes ideas from this kind of tool. Users can create fully functional mobile apps by simply designing their data structure in Google Sheets. You can also customize the app’s appearance and functionality using Glide’s intuitive interface.

  3. Softr

    Softr is an effective No Code app development software for beginners. It allows you to build a custom app for your business quickly. It helps businesses with project management tools and applicant trackers. Moreover, client portals make it easy for clients to self-serve with custom-branded and secure portals.

  4. Bildr

    If you are looking for software with greater flexibility, Bildr can be your choice. Businesses can build custom full-stack applications quickly and effectively. It is all in one, No Code platform for building scalable applications. You can build SaaS, web apps, and progressive web apps as well using this amazing tool.

  5. Draftbit

    Draftbit provides features and tools to build native mobile apps and responsive mobile apps. It’s a powerful tool with a simple interface, helping you to utilize them effectively for fast development. You can design, build, and deploy from a single platform, Draftbit. The platform provides you with various templates to make your task easy.

  6. Zapier Interfaces

    You don’t need to go for one size fits all while using this platform. It lets you customize your mobile application according to your needs. This is an automation tool that connects different apps and services. While not strictly an app builder, Zapier offers interfaces and workflows that allow users to create automated processes without coding.

  7. Want advanced features for your mobile app_

  8. FlutterFlow

    You can generate clean code, create beautiful UI, and publish a customized app with the help of a Flutter app development company or you can also use the FlutterFlow platform. You can build Flutter apps using this visual platform, FlutterFlow. The drag-and-drop interface of the platform makes it easy for beginners to design their app layout and UI components.

  9. Backendless

    It is a backend-as-a-service platform that simplifies backend development for websites and applications. You can use its tools for database management, user authentication, and cloud hosting. The platform equips you with scalable, extensible, and affordable tools to build applications. It lets you create a beautiful interface for apps and websites quickly with an interactive UI builder.

  10. Airtable

    Non-technical professionals can build modern and interactive applications for their businesses. The platform provides you with simple tools to build intuitive features for your users. It allows to build custom workflows for marketing campaigns as well. Businesses can integrate critical workflows from various other apps for important business processes.

  11. Zoho Creator

    It’s a low-code platform for building tailored business applications. It provides a drag-and-drop interface for designing app forms, reports, and workflows. You can talk to your iPhone app development company to use this platform for your iOS app development or any other application. You can integrate multiple features and functionalities into your app using this low-code/no-code platform.

Overall, these tools empower non-technical individuals to create their own applications and software solutions by providing intuitive interfaces. And the best part is, it eliminates the need for extensive coding knowledge.

Future of No Code/Low Code

We can imagine some potential advantages of using No Code/Low Code in the future. Also, imagine the shift that could shape the future of business processes.

  1. Increased adoption:
    More businesses will start to use LCNC by 2025. The expected percentage of people who will adopt this way of development can be around 70%. The adoption is likely to continue growing as more people will recognize the benefits.
  2. Advancement in AI and ML integration:
    Low-code/No-Code platforms may integrate more advanced features for visually attractive interfaces with the help of AI and ML capabilities. It will help people to build smarter applications without deep technical expertise.
  3. Enhanced customization:
    Future LCNC platforms can come up with more flexibility and customization options. So that users can create highly customized solutions. It can develop the need for integrating with third-party service providers. Our Ionic app development company works on many projects that require innovative customization for their apps.
  4. Cross-platform development:
    LCNC platforms can evolve to support cross-platform development. Businesses can build applications for themselves that can seamlessly run on different platforms. So, you might not have to develop an app separately for different platforms.
  5. Integration with IoT:
    Low Code and No Code may offer seamless integration with IoT devices in the future. It could help LCNC users to build IoT applications for their businesses and accelerate their growth.


Don’t worry if you are not aware of programming languages and lack technical expertise, Low Code/No Code platforms are built for people having less or no technical knowledge to develop applications and software. Low-code/No-Code platforms offer various benefits. Understand the significance of LCNC tools and find the best from the list provided in the blog as per your requirements. Moreover, analyze the future of Low Code and No Code to create innovative and advanced apps for your business.

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Saikat Ghosh working as a Business & HR head at mobile app development company, Technource. He is an Electrical engineer by education and studied management from IIM, Calcutta. He has worked last 23 years in client-facing roles like Marketing, Sales, and Support. He loves to work with on-demand app development, Marketing & Sales strategies, brainstorm new ideas, and learn from people. When he is off from his regular job, he works for his theatre group.

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