How to Hire a Developer For a Project?

Finding the right developers starts with knowing your project from an in-depth. Today, every business owner can’t imagine excelling without an online presence. Creating a website is the best way to showcase products and services systematically 24/7 hours to users. However, developing a website requires programming skills which is time-consuming. That’s why businesses hire developers from reputed sites.

Well, hiring developers might seem easy at first, but it is a long process. Careful analysis and effective research can save you from hiring unskilled developers for your project. Go for any, hire Android developers or iOS developers as per your need for the platform. This blog covers information about hiring the best developers for your mobile application or website.

The step-by-step process of hiring developers, important questions to ask before hiring developers, the best sites to find developers for your project, and much more are presented by professionals in this blog.

So, let’s begin!

8-Step Process to Hire Developers for a Project

We have come up with the 8-step process after intense research to make it easy for you to find the right developers for your dream project. Scroll down to know the process.

  1. Define Your Project Needs
  2. Identify Required Skills
  3. Create a Job Description
  4. Screen Resumes
  5. Conduct Initial Interviews
  6. Technical Assessment
  7. Behavioral Assessment
  8. Attend tech events and meetups

Here starts the explanation of all the steps to help you find the best developers and resolve your query on how to hire Mobile app developers.

  1. Define Your Project Needs:

    Defining your project needs is the primary step in the hiring process. If you have a thorough understanding of your business or project, it becomes easy to find the right developers in a short time. Begin by understanding the primary goals of your project. What problems are you trying to resolve?

    Determine the boundaries of your project. Think of limitations for your project and try to connect that with your budget. Establishing parameters helps you define the scope that is effective for hiring developers. This way, you can find out the technical requirements like programming languages, frameworks, and tools.

    Hire React Native developers if you want your app to be built in the React Native framework. Likewise, there are many other frameworks. Understand your requirements so that you can find suitable frameworks and developers accordingly.

  2. Identify Required Skills:

    Start analyzing all the requirements of your project. Find, what technologies, programming languages, frameworks, and tools are essential to accomplish your goals. For example, if you are creating a web app, you need developers proficient in backend and frontend technologies like JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Python, or Nodejs. Evaluate the complexity of your project to determine the depth of expertise required.

    Are you developing a simple website or a complex software solution? The required skills will vary because of the complexity level. More complicated projects will require more experienced and skilled developers. Many times people only consider the immediate requirement of the project and avoid long-term requirements.

    You should figure out the skills necessary to support and evolve the project over time. So that in the future you will not have to work on the project from scratch for small changes. If you are unsure about the specific skills required for your project, talk to experts before you hire iOS developers.

  3. What does a project need to be successful_ Experienced developers know it.

  4. Create a Job Description:

    Creating a job description is like writing a guide for finding the perfect developer. You have to be sure about what you want. First, describe the role: What the developer will do in your project? Now list the responsibilities they will have, like coding and collaborating with others.

    Explain the qualifications they need such as specific skills or experience. Find websites where freelancers showcase their portfolios and skills. You can also consider popular job boards like Indeed, Glassdoor, and Linkedin to find developers whose skills align with your project requirements.

    You can build a professional network with developers on platforms like LinkedIn. Utilize social media channels like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to promote the job opening to a broader and diverse audience. You can also hire developers from any country to work on your app or site.

  5. Screen Resumes:

    Resume screening is an important step in the process of hiring. Review each resume to see if it matches the job requirements. Look for relevant skills, experiences, and achievements. Check the candidate’s work history for relevant roles and projects.

    Assess their proficiency by aligning them with your needs for the project. When you want to hire PHP developers, check how many years of working experience they have to assess their abilities to work on your project. Also, evaluate cultural fit and communication skills.

    Watch out for any gaps or red flags in the resume. Compare candidates to prioritize the best fit. You can shortlist candidates who are most suitable for the job.

  6. Conduct Initial Interviews:

    Arrange phone or video interviews with candidates who pass the resume screening stage. Ask for a suitable time to talk and decide. Gauge the technical skills of candidates and their experience. Make sure you also assess the cultural fit.

    Ask behavioral questions to find out whether they can stand by the work circumstances, interact with colleagues, and adapt to changes. Writing notes during the interview helps you later to compare candidates effectively.

    You must be thinking, that hiring a developer is a long process. Yes, it is if your project is large. However, it lets you hire quickly for a small project.

  7. Technical Assessment:

    You want to hire Flutter developers because you lack technical expertise. This skill requires effort and time to build. So, carefully assess the developers for technical skills. Your project’s success depends on how effectively developers sound technical. You can conduct coding tests, quizzes, or practical exercises for it.

    Ask coding questions related to your project requirements and nature. It helps developers to look at problems from different perspectives and solve them with real-world scenarios. Many online coding platforms conduct coding tests.

    These assessments are effective ways to find out the suitability of potential candidates with respect to your project. You can give a take-home assignment to candidates and tell them to complete it in a specified timeframe.

  8. Behavioral Assessment:

    Evaluating a candidate’s soft skills is one of the crucial steps. Assess their communication abilities, teamwork, and problem-solving mindset. Ask them behavioral questions, it is an effective way to gauge the candidacy. Many times, a person is technically good but emotionally weak. It’s not a good sign for the project’s success.

    The candidates need to fit into the company culture and environment to produce creative results. Ask candidates to talk about their past experiences and share examples to showcase their abilities. They can explain how they resolved the conflict between team members.

    If they have handled a challenging project deadline, it is a good sign for your project. So, by probing into past behavior, communication, leadership, and teamwork, you have enough information to make a decision about hiring particular candidates.

  9. Attend tech events and meetups:

    Tech events and meetups bring professionals from different industries together. So, here you get ample networking opportunities. You can meet developers with a wide range of skills and experiences. Here you can discuss your project and find suitable developers easily.

    Know the specialty of the developers for some frameworks. Share details about your project to hire Reactjs developers or any other specific technology developers. You can find developers who possess the skills you are looking for from the diverse pool at the event.

    You can better understand the skills and expertise that are in demand and go with your hiring tactics.

Important Questions to Ask Developers Before Hiring

The right questions to find the right team for your project work like magic. You can make decisions easily by analyzing the answers of the candidates. We have curated important questions for you that will make the journey of finding the best developers a cakewalk.

  1. Can you walk me through the experience in NodeJs development (Any suitable framework for your project)?
  2. Tell me about the projects you have handled that are similar to my project. What were your responsibilities in those projects?
  3. Have you faced challenges in the previous project? If yes, then what are those challenges?
  4. How do you approach problem-solving?
  5. When was the last time you quickly learned the new technology?
  6. How do you communicate with stakeholders and team members?
  7. Can you explain any of your successful projects to date?
  8. What is your reaction when you are told to make changes in the project?
  9. What process do you follow to ensure code quality and maintainability?
  10. Are you open to technical challenges to further evaluate your skills?

Many other questions can be formed based on your requirements, business goals, objectives, and others. When you hire NodeJS developers or any other technology developers make sure, you ask the right questions to get insights and make informed decisions about your project.

When Is the Best Time to Hire a Developer During Your Project Timeline?

The best time to hire a developer is the moment you think you can’t do it. Simple.

Until you can handle things on your own and manage them, no need to hire a developer. But if you think, now at this moment a developer is needed to take care of the development part, immediately start searching for the best developers and save your time.

Many people hire developers at the beginning of their projects. Because they do an analysis of the project requirements and decide on hiring the developer in the beginning.

Well, it depends from project to project. If you need to hire developers in the beginning go for it. If you think, the initial work can be done without a developer, hire them later. Hiring them, in the beginning, is more beneficial as you don’t have to explain the entire planning because they are with you from the beginning.

They know the strengths and weaknesses of your business, so they plan for development accordingly. It can be an expensive option because the developer is with your project from start to end even after that as well. So, you decide the right time to hire developers.

Stop searching, and start building your project with skilled developers

What Are the Costs Associated with Hiring a Developer for Your Project?

Before you start building any app, website, or software, price is the first thing that comes to your mind. Well, it decides how many and which resources you should use. You might have noticed variations in the prices of software development projects, that is because of many factors.

We are going to present you with factors that help deciding on the exact cost of your project.

  1. The complexity of your project:
    We know that complex things take time to resolve. And time is the most important resource. If an app requires more time to build, its price will also increase with time. Generally, integrating advanced, customized, and innovative features makes an app complex. If you want a simple app with some creativity, hiring WordPress developers can be an affordable option
  2. Development platform:
    Do you want a mobile app, web app, or website? Do you want to hire developers for Android, iOS, or both the audience? The answers to both queries will guide you to hire a good developer for your project. You can understand how to hire a software developer deciding on the platform.
  3. Design of the software:
    Users don’t care about how much advanced technology, tools, and frameworks you have used for the backend of your project. They see the design or user interface of the app, and quick responses to it. Keep the end goal in mind and think backward from your end goal. How can you attract users and make them take the desired action? The beautiful and intuitive design of the site plays a great role in it.
  4. Technologies used for the project:
    Not all developers are skilled in all programming languages and technologies. You have to search for specialized developers for the project. The price for the developers varies because of their location, experience, and skills. Technologies used by the developer also affect the final cost. So, you should discuss the tech stack with developers or a software development firm.

I, think you should not waste time in finding coming up with the exact price because this time-taking. It is effective to begin with an accurate estimate. A basic app development cost is around $30,000. The price can go high and low due to the factors I have mentioned above.

5 Best Websites to Hire Developers

Website and app development agencies or companies hire skilled developers or train them according to projects. So, if you are planning to hire top remote software developers or an entire in-house team some websites make this process easy for you.

  1. GitHub:

    GitHub is a popular version control platform. You can also find skilled developers on this platform according to the needs of your project. Developers showcase the projects they have handled till date. You can find programmers with specific skills on this platform.

  2. UpWork:

    Do you want to hire developers for startups or established businesses? UpWork offers a pool of mixed developers, some are beginners, waiting for their first project, some have 2 years of experience and some have more than that. If you know your project requirements clearly, it’s very easy to find the right developers on UpWork.

  3. Technource:

    If you are looking for an entire team to work on your project with uniformity, Technource provides you with that opportunity. It is a software development agency that offers services to the USA, UK, Canada, and other countries’ clients. They offer customized applications and websites for eCommerce, education, manufacturing, travel, real estate, and more industries.

  4. Wellfound:

    This platform connects software development teams with businesses. The platform offers you many developers specialized in specific skills and technologies. Select them based on your industry and project requirements. You can find a good fit in terms of budget, skills, and developer’s experience.

  5. Dice:

    Every business or individual wants to hire specialized technology professionals for impeccable development. The platform is particularly focused on tech companies and job seekers in the United States. Employers post jobs on this platform and search for the right candidates by looking at their skills, location, and experiences.

Hire developers who don’t delay your project due to trivial reasons.


Hiring a developer is not about getting services in exchange for money. You have to connect, communicate, and collaborate with the developer genuinely so that they put their heart and soul into the project to make it successful. Don’t treat them as mere developers, treat them like your partner. Apart from that, follow the steps provided in the blog to hire the best developers for your project. Make sure you keep project requirements, budget, and other factors in mind while hiring a developer.

Frequently Asked Questions


How to find skilled developers?


How to hire developers for free?


What is the cost of seeking development services from a developer?


How to hire the right developer?


How long it takes to hire a developer?


Saikat Ghosh working as a Business & HR head at mobile app development company, Technource. He is an Electrical engineer by education and studied management from IIM, Calcutta. He has worked last 23 years in client-facing roles like Marketing, Sales, and Support. He loves to work with on-demand app development, Marketing & Sales strategies, brainstorm new ideas, and learn from people. When he is off from his regular job, he works for his theatre group.

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