On-Demand Salon Appointment Scheduling/Booking App – Beauty On-Demand App Development


The salon and beauty care business is an evergreen one. It brings customers to your doorstep all around the year and generates a healthy revenue. But with the incoming of digitalization, every business that was following conventional practices has had to make prominent changes in the way they were offering their services.

With this wave of technology hitting every business sector, having a presence online has become extremely essential. The On-Demand applications have made users prone to buying services online. The convenience and time-saving provisions that on-demand apps offer to their users are addictive and are the primary reason for such fast adaptation.

Have you observed these changes in the way businesses functioned a decade ago and today? Are you equally inclined on learning ways that can enhance your business opportunities ten folds by investing rightfully in tech? If your answer is ‘Yes’ to the preceding questions then this blog is for you. It offers insights on why you should create an appointment scheduling app for your salon. So read on to learn how you can make the best of on-demand services by making optimum use of technology.

Discover how we built a reliable On-Demand Application solution for salon services


The on-demand salon business has grown 2.7% annually in the past five years. According to future predictions, the industry expects a 2.2% growth rate for the following 5 years. With so much influence of social media and rising celebrity following there has been an exponential rise in beauty concerns. The demand offers a potential opportunity for business owners to invest in.

Why Create an On-Demand Salon Appointment App?

As the entire world is adapting to the use of smartphones, it’s the perfect time for you to introduce your mobile app. It often happens that we go to a salon and have to wait for hours to avail of services from our preferred professional. Waiting is a tedious process and practically a waste of time.

Users are getting accustomed to using online services and the investment also holds futuristic growth prospects. There comes a time for every business that demands a permanent change. For the salon business making this technological shift is a destined change. As consumers today look forward to availing themselves of convenient services adapting to this change can help you schedule appointments, manage your staff and customer flow, create an online presence, and much more.

Important Services your Salon Appointment Scheduling/Booking App Should include Provide

When the competition is so high one has to offer the best services to delight and retain their customers. If you’re planning on creating an on-demand salon app then your app should provide your users with the following functionalities.

No More Waiting. The endless waiting time that a user has to go through on visiting a salon is the most frustrating part of visiting a salon. You can use tech to minimize the waiting time. Your app can provide reminders to your consumers about their appointment. This can also work best in case of any delays, you can send instant notifications about the same.

A Clear Representation of Your Services. Your app is going to the forefront of the services you provide. Hence, the list of services, rates, timings, details of the professionals, and the likes should be mentioned clearly. You can also mention your expertise and encourage users to try new things in their upcoming visits.

Offer Discounts, Rewards, & Loyalty Points. As a potential user becomes a regular one, you can offer reward points on all their visits. If they are investing a healthy sum every time they visit your salon you can also offer loyalty points or discounts in their upcoming visits. These provisions will highly be responsible for your word-of-mouth publicity.

Secure Payment Gateways. As of today, there are myriad payment options that a client can choose to make their payments. Your app should provide its users with conventional debit and credit card options along with other fintech app payment options. ‘The more the merrier is a simple thumb rule you should follow while offering payment options.

Features of On-Demand Salon Appointment App


1. Efficient Scheduler

An efficient scheduler is one of the prime requirements of an appointment scheduling app. The app should offer date-wise scheduling with clearly marked, booked, and un-booked slots.

2. Push Notifications

Push notifications are an important part of scheduling apps as they would provide their users with reminders, discount offers, and other timely updates.

3. List of Professionals

As your salon can have different professionals who possess different expertise, you must design a dashboard that offers complete information about them.

4. Navigation

Your app might come across users that don’t have a proper idea of where your salon is located. You can also have more than one salon and this too would need a proper guiding system. Hence, offering a navigation feature is of utmost importance.
Communication Panel

5. Communication Panel

No matter how full-proof a system you plan for your users, they can always have doubts or queries that need an instant solution. A dedicated communication panel can take care of such things.
Personalized App

6. Explore it Yourself Section

This is an optional but interesting section that you can add to your application. Here you can post different blogs, articles, and other expert advice and suggestions related to hair or beauty care. This section can help boost user engagement and compel a user to spend more time on your application.

On-Demand Salon Appointment Scheduling/Booking App Business Models

There are 3 basic types of business models that you can opt for. They are mentioned below.



This model charges the users an upfront fee for booking an appointment. The charges can be included in the gross total after the user avails of their required services or make a purchase from your store.


Offering quarterly, half-yearly, and yearly sponsorship is also a good way to go about charging your users. You can include different services in each of your sponsored models. This will offer the clients, different models, to choose from as per their required services and budgets.


In-app advertisement is the most convenient way for generating revenue. You earn money based on the clicks that are made on the ads shown in your app.

Why Work with Technource to develop your On-Demand Salon Appointment App?

There are many reasons to work with us but here is a highlight of some of the practices we follow.

  • In the mobile and app development domain for 8+ years.
  • Have the experience of creating on-demand apps.
  • Offers web and on-demand app development services using native as well as cross-platform techs. Web Technologies: PHP, MERN, or MEAN stack
    Native Technologies: JAVA and Swift/ Objective C
    Cross-Platform Technologies: React Native, Ionic, & Flutter
  • Sound team of developers, QAs, designers, content specialists, and many more.
  • Minimal Viable Product Development.
  • Budget-friendly development rates.
  • Follows ‘Agile-Scrum’ methodology for developing applications.

The preceding points briefly express the expertise we’ve cultivated over the years while working on the 500+ projects for our clients in 5+ global locations. We offer free consultation on your project as you sign-up for the same on our website. You can also catch a glimpse of the projects we’ve worked on by browsing through the case studies on our website.

If you own a salon business and are confused about whether you should invest in creating an app for the same or not, then you’re just at the right place. We can surely discuss the same over a call and share our knowledge, future growth prospects, and possibilities that come along with investing in tech. Let’s catch up at the earliest.


Mr. Sanjay Singh Rajpurohit, An early-aged entrepreneur who always leads his team from the front and achieved success. As the founder & CEO of Technource, a top mobile app & Web development company, he made a global presence in a short time by offering custom software development, premium mobile apps, and website development services to global clients. In his free time, he loves writing. He is featured on Hackernoon, Dzone, Enlear Academy, Articlesfactory, and much more websites.

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