Flutter vs React Native – Who Will Dominate in 2023?

Flutter as well as React Native is one of the best mobile apps development frameworks and both are from the biggest tech giants Facebook and Google. Being a mobile apps developer, I’ll let you know about Flutter vs React Native frameworks based on different things. Besides these two frameworks, there are more like Ionic, Xamarin, and so on but what’s so special about these two? Follow me in this guide and at the end, you’ll be able to select the best framework for you.

Flutter VS React Native Which is better for 2023_

React Native vs Flutter


Flutter is a free, open-source mobile application development framework developed and released in May 2017 by Google. It is being used to develop Android as well as iOS applications. The official website for Flutter is Flutter.io and GitHub link is github.com/Flutter/Flutter and we are a top-notch flutter app development company.

React Native

On the other hand, React Native is also an open-source free tool to develop mobile applications for both iOS and Android. It is developed by Facebook and released in 2015. The official website for React Native is facebook.github.io/react-native and the GitHub link is github.com/facebook/react-native and we are a top-notch react native app development company.

The comparison between React Native vs Flutter is being done based on the following things below.

  1. Ease of learning
  2. Eco System
  3. Applications Speed
  4. Documentation
  5. Community Support
  6. Summary

Ease Of Learning

  • React Native

If you are a javascript developer as I am, then it’s really easy for you to learn React Native because it’s not much of the difference if you know about the javascript language. However, if you don’t know about the javascript language already you might be in a difficult situation to learn the React Native framework. The concepts are easily graspable when you already know about react and javascript.

  • Flutter

Flutter is easier to learn but before you do that you need to know about Dart, which is an object-oriented programing language by tech giant Google because you’ll develop mobile apps in Flutter using the Dart language. Just like in React Native case, if you are familiar with Javascript or know about the object-oriented programming language, it is easier for you to learn the Dart. Because Dart’s syntax is similar to javascript and is OOP based language.

Ecosystem – Flutter vs React Native

  • React Native

React Native is around longer than Flutter and it is mature than Flutter, React Native is supported by most of the code editors you want to use to develop applications. If we compare the packages both have, then React Native has 5 times more packages than the Flutter that makes it a comprehensive winner when it comes to the ecosystem. But don’t forget that React Native is around for long as compared to Flutter.

  • Flutter

Flutter is a younger player in this battle but growing fast to compete with its rivals like React Native. It has got 1400+ packages that are available in the Dart. The packages are available for the public to use and its supporting community is growing exponentially.

Applications Speed

  • React Native

React Native is famous for its fast performance application that nearly matches the native app’s performance. So while using React Native to build mobile apps you shouldn’t be worried about performance issues. However, you can try to improve it as much as possible because fast speed and performance are always a priority in mobile apps.
Moreover, React Native has the capability that you can make a few parts of your application in native languages such as swift, objective C, and Java. This lets you develop a few parts in native languages and a few in React Native to have excellent performance and speed in your applications.

  • Flutter

Flutter framework itself has taken care of the performance aspect therefore same as React Native, you shouldn’t be worried about the performance when you develop apps in Flutter. Same as React Native, flutter also permits you to develop a few modules of your application in native languages to have the best performance.

Developers Productivity

  • React Native

Writing fast code and saving time for other tasks is always a priority of a developer. Using React Native, you can choose to have your favorite editor to code. I like VSCode by Microsoft because there are a lot of extensions that make it easier for me to develop apps faster.
Moreover, React Native got a lot of prebuilt components to reuse, using those you can save a lot of your time. Besides the prebuilt components, there is a “Hot Reload” which is a special feature that allows you to reload your application instantly without recompilation of the application. A developer’s productivity is increased in this way that the app can be simply hot reloaded, there is more you can do with this fast framework.

  • Flutter

Same as React Native, the hot reload feature is available in Flutter as well, not only that, there are many widgets APIs that you can use in Flutter to boost your work significantly. You can save your time a lot of time building applications to concentrate on other main aspects.


The documentation of both Flutter and React Native are thorough enough explanatory that makes it easier for the developers to learn it through official documentation instead of going elsewhere.

Community Support

  • React Native

React Native got huge community support that is growing as well as helping others to sort out problems. If we take a look at Github stats, there it got 66,000 plus stars and 1700 plus contributors who are constantly working to improve the React Native. If while learning you want to ask some questions you can get help from the industry experts community.

  • Flutter

Flutter hasn’t got a huge community as React Native but it isn’t a small one either if I tell you about the Github stats, there it has got 30,000 plus stars and 200 plus contributors who are working to make it a better framework for mobile applications development. Expert developers in the community are also active in the QA sessions so you can have the expert’s help for free there.

React Native vs Flutter Summary (Hybrid app development)

Technology React Native Flutter
Programming Language Javascript Dart
Components Library Very large inclusive library Smaller, non-inclusive
Adaptive Components Some are adaptive automatically Components aren’t adaptive. Need to be configured manually.
Learning Curve Easy to pick up, especially if you used React or Javascript before Quite steep, you need to pick up Dart, and reactive programming isn’t all intuitive
Created By Facebook Google
Main Architecture Flux and Redux BLoC
EcoSystem Quite Mature, used in production in many big companies around the world, many packages available Not yet mature, a fewer number of packages
Hot Reload Supported Supported
Github Stars 60,000 plus 30,000 plus
First Release Jan 2015 May 2017

Mr. Sanjay Singh Rajpurohit, An early-aged entrepreneur who always leads his team from the front and achieved success. As the founder & CEO of Technource, a top mobile app & Web development company, he made a global presence in a short time by offering custom software development, premium mobile apps, and website development services to global clients. In his free time, he loves writing. He is featured on Hackernoon, Dzone, Enlear Academy, Articlesfactory, and much more websites.

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