Write Once, Run Everywhere: The Cross-Platform Magic of React Native

Do you have to write code twice for an app to run it on different platforms? React native app development allows you to build an app for different platforms writing its code only once. It saves time that you spend writing code for iOS, Android, and Desktop platforms differently. Also saving resources results in saving expenses for building an app.

Reaching a wide range of audience is crucial for more engagement and high conversion rates. Around 92% of people use mobile phones and 65% of people use laptops or desktops to access the Internet. The audience is available on different devices, so it’s important to build an app that can run seamlessly on any device.

An app development company helps businesses to make cross-platform software solutions. Most companies use React Native for building such an app. React Native provides a compatible environment and features that make it suitable for building cross-platform applications. Delve into the details in this blog and understand the concept of writing code once and using it everywhere.

What Is React Native?

React Native is a framework by Facebook for building mobile apps that can run seamlessly on different platforms. Developers write code in Javascript and React to build cross-platform applications. Unlike, traditional development, React Native lets you write code once and deploy it on both platforms iOS and Android.

It saves the time and effort of engineers to write code once for the app for different platforms. The framework provides access to native APIs. It ensures smooth user experiences and high performance. Many popular applications like Airbnb, Instagram, Facebook, and others use React Native for efficiency and flexibility.

Flutter is also a popular framework for building cross-platform applications like React Native. Although Flutter has a steeper learning curve, it is good at providing high performance. Compare Flutter and React Native for a better understanding.

What Makes React Native Suitable for Building Cross-platform Apps?

React Native is suitable for cross-platform app development because it allows you to write code only once in JavaScript and use this code on both iOS and Android platforms. You can write JavaScript code and reuse this code on different platforms, without major modifications.

It is possible because of the ability to translate JavaScript code into native components for each platform. Thousands of apps use React Native in their tech stack to make apps suitable for every platform and get more users. That’s why 32% of developers prefer using React Native in their app development projects.

Have a look at the image below. It shows, around 92% percentage of people access the internet through mobile phones in the USA. If you don’t optimize the code for mobile phones, your business can’t reach millions of people.

people access the internet through mobile phones in the USA

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Benefits of React Native App Development

React native app development has emerged as a powerful way to build high-quality cross-platform apps. Businesses use it due to many positive points. Have a look at them.

  1. Faster development
  2. Saves resources
  3. Hot reload
  4. Access to native features
  5. Large community
  6. Smooth performance
  7. Easy integration
  8. Simplified UI development

Learn about each point in the detail below for your upcoming project.

  1. Faster development:

    We all want to hire a React Native developer who can build a high-quality app in a short time. Well, the development time also depends on the type of programming language or framework selected. Faster development is possible with React Native because developers have to write code only once for both Android and iOS platforms.

    With a single codebase, developers can create apps for both iOS and Android simultaneously. When a team has to work only once for all types of devices to build an app, it saves time and effort that can be used in other important tasks. You can make your app available for users in a short time.

  2. Saves resources:

    When a separate codebase is needed to build, an entire team has to work again. React native app development saves time and resources as a code written once can be used everywhere. You don’t have to maintain the codebase separately for iOS and Android. It minimizes overhead.

    This resource-saving aspect makes React Native a beneficial choice for businesses. If they want the best cross-platform app in a short time, React Native can be the best part of your app’s technology stack.

  3. Hot reload:

    One of the stand-out features of React Native is its hot reload capacity. Developers can quickly notice the changes they make to the code reflected in the app’s interface. It saves an Android App development company’s time spent on manual reloading.

    This feature removes the need for time-consuming manual reloading and recompilation. Developers can iterate rapidly and make adjustments quickly. This feature increases productivity and improves the development cycle.

  4. Access to native features:

    React Native offers many Native features and APIs. It allows developers to use device capabilities effectively. Whether it is accessing the camera, GPS, or other hardware features, React Native enables developers to incorporate native functionalities. By doing so, they can make a cross-platform app look like a native one.

    Getting a rich and immersive experience through React Native improves the quality of the app, that every business wants. Native features by React Native make an app innovative and robust. They run seamlessly regardless of platform type and give users an amazing experience.

  5. Ready to harness the magic? Partner with skilled React Native developers today.

  6. Large community:

    If many people or developers have used a technology before you, it makes your way clean and less difficult. Whenever you get stuck at any point, you can find a solution by reaching a community. React Native has a large community that helps freshers and experienced ones build an app effectively.

    A big and active community of developers, contributors, and enthusiasts is present for React Native. A vibrant community offers extensive support, resources, and documentation for developers. Having a large community is like a blessing in disguise.

  7. Smooth performance:

    React Native is a cross-platform framework, but, it still delivers near-native performance for mobile applications. With the help of native components, optimizing JavaScript code becomes feasible.

    It helps the app achieve excellent performance and responsiveness. And it ensures a smooth and fluid user experience. Users can get flawless and native-like experience irrespective of platform type. Well, everything is linked to the user’s experience, so it should not get hampered.

  8. Easy integration:

    t is one of the important pros of using React Native. If you use this framework, it lets you integrate third-party plugins, libraries, and APIs into mobile applications. Whether you want to add analytics tools, payment gateways, or social media integration, you get seamless integration features from React Native.

    It helps you as a developer to extend the functionality of your application. Creating feature-rich and versatile applications becomes easy with the help of the React Native platform by Facebook.

  9. Simplified UI development:

    The simple user interface of the framework makes React Native app development easy for professionals and beginners as well. Component-based architecture and declarative UI paradigm help developers build visually appealing user interfaces with ease. React Native’s reusable UI components and modular approach streamline the UI development process.

    Difficulty in using a framework reduces its usefulness. It would not even have a large community. So the creators focus on making the user interface intuitive as developers can build applications faster with the help of an intuitive interface. You can create complex layouts and interactive elements efficiently.

How Does React Native Work?

In React Native app development developers use reusable components. These components have unique elements of the user interface. These components are built with JavaScript. Developers can create complex UIs by composing these components together.

It improves the development stages and promotes code reusability. Communication between JavaScript code and Native components is possible because of React Native. It works like a bridge between both technologies. It makes interaction easy between two layers of the application.

Both Java and C++ are different programming languages. So, it is not possible for them to speak directly. JSON is a form of data that will help these languages communicate. And the bridge (A set of programs) will take care of everything.

Platform-specific languages like Java for Android and Objective C are used to write native modules. Many apps’ logics are written in JavaScript, but React Native ensures seamless integration with native code. It is effective for enhancing functionality and performance. This hybrid approach combines the flexibility and ease of Javascript development.

how does react native works

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Challenges in React Native App Development

Building an app is a combination of various stages. Each step includes many tasks. So, it is evident that without challenges building a cross-platform app seems unimaginable.

Here is the list of challenges that you face during react native app development:

  1. Performance optimization
  2. Platform-specific implementation
  3. Native module compatibility
  4. Debugging and troubleshooting
  5. Limited access to native features
  6. Code maintainability and scalability
  7. Learning curve

Explore these challenges in the space below and be ready to tackle them effectively while developing a React Native app.

  1. Performance optimization:

    React Native apps should perform consistently well on several types of devices. Whether the users are using smartphones, tablets, desktops, or other devices, they should get a seamless experience. It is a challenge for engineers to build an app in a way that doesn’t hamper the user’s experience.

    For this, they have to optimize the app’s code, assets, and resources to minimize loading times. It also reduces memory usage and maximizes responsiveness. Make sure you test the app on different devices to identify performance issues. These concerns can be related to particular hardware and software systems.

  2. Platform-specific implementation:

    Design guidelines are different for many devices. When you build an app for all the devices, you have to understand the design guidelines, APIs, and behaviors of the most popular devices. After that, customize features for iOS and Android to provide a continuous user experience.

    Platform-specific implementation is a challenge because the React Native framework requires separate code implementation for iOS and Android platforms. Developers need to be proficient in both Android and iOS platforms. And finding such types of developers is a challenge for many. So React Native app development requires extra effort.

  3. Native module compatibility:

    Many times third-party native modules are not straightforward so their integration is also not easy for an iOS development company. These modules might not be suitable for both iOS and Android platforms. In this case, developers require additional effort to adapt them or find alternative solutions.

    Often troubleshooting compatibility issues can occur. Sometimes developers have to write custom bridge code to facilitate communication between JavaScriot and native code. This complexity level may increase the development time to develop and maintain the app.

  4. Debugging and troubleshooting:

    React Native app development is challenging for many reasons, debugging and troubleshooting are one of them. We know that React Native apps run in a JavaScript run-time environment alongside native code. So debugging issues can occur when navigating through both JavaScript and native stack traces.

    Native code and JavaScript code can also have issues like communication errors and synchronization issues. Pinpointing and resolving these types of issues becomes difficult. Moreover, debugging tools for React Native are not up to the mark as a result native development becomes difficult.

  5. Want to reach every user with your cross-platform app?

  6. Limited access to native features:

    It is possible that the React Native framework doesn’t provide direct access to all native device features. React Native APIs alone may not be suitable for some functionalities of iOS and Android platforms. Developers often have to write custom native code modules to deal with this issue.

    They can also use third-party libraries that help to bridge the gap between React Native and Native APIs. Integration of custom third-party solutions adds complexity to the development process. It increases the risk of compatibility issues.

  7. Code maintainability and scalability:

    As the project grows, the complexity level of the app also grows. Maintaining clean code and making it easily understandable become the biggest challenge. React Native apps often consist of a combination of JavaScript and Native code, which can create problems.

    You have to ensure that the codebase remains maintainable. For this, you have to use effective practices. Modularizing code and implementing a design pattern to increase readability are important steps. Integration of platform-specific code and third-party libraries affects the consistency of code.

    It further complicates the process. Poorly designed code should be avoided as it can lead to performance bottlenecks. Overall, maintaining code quality and scalability in React Native requires expert eyes.

  8. Learning curve:

    Developers have to gain proficiency in the concepts and functions of the framework. Which is time-consuming and requires complete attention. Developers new to React Native, have to put a significant amount of time into learning this programming language. They have to understand core concepts like component-based architecture.

    Developers have to learn how to interact with native modules and APIs. Moreover, React Native’s ecosystem is consistently evolving. Many new updates libraries and community-driven tools increase the level of learning this framework.

How Does Technource Help in Cross-Platform Development?

Technource is a React Native app development company. Also known as a popular PHP development company. Wondering, what makes technource suitable for your React Native app project? Check out the points highlighting its suitability.

  1. Expertise in cross-platform frameworks
  2. Efficient resource utilization
  3. Faster time to market
  4. Cost-effectiveness
  5. Consistent user experience

Learn in detail how Technoruce, a top Laravel development company helps businesses that need cross-platform apps.

  1. Expertise in cross-platform frameworks:

    Technource has expertise in frameworks like React Native, Flutter, and Ionic. They allow developers to write code once and use it on multiple platforms. It saves time and effort developing separate code.

  2. Efficient resource utilization:

    By using cross-platform development, Technource can optimize resource utilization. The company assigns tasks to specialist people.

  3. Faster time to market:

    Cross-platform development often results in a faster development cycle. This situation occurs because code can be reused across platforms. Technource helps businesses get their apps to market more quickly. Businesses could gain more ROI by partnering with this firm.

  4. Cost-effectiveness:

    When you build a separate native app, it can be costly. Using a single codebase can save your pocket. Technource can help businesses save on development costs without compromising on the quality of software solutions.

  5. Consistent user experience:

    The firm makes sure businesses get consistent and high-quality software solutions. It ensures the app’s design, functionality and performance remain consistent to enhance user satisfaction.

Technource has also partnered with businesses that require the best custom Python web development company. Overall, you get various software development services from a single company.

Don't let platform limitations hold you back, embrace React Native with us.


This blog on React Native app development has presented crucial information. Now you know why React Native is the best framework to build cross-platform applications. You are also aware of what makes the framework suitable for building such apps. Don’t miss out on the challenges of building a React Native app if you want flawless and timely development. React native involves suitable features for building high-quality cross-platform apps according to different business requirements.

Frequently Asked Questions


Is React Native easy to learn?


What sets React Native apart from traditional native apps?


How much time is required to build a React Native app?


What is the price of developing a React Native app?


How many months does it take to learn React Native?


How to make a React Native app?


Mr. Sanjay Singh Rajpurohit, An early-aged entrepreneur who always leads his team from the front and achieved success. As the founder & CEO of Technource, a top mobile app & Web development company, he made a global presence in a short time by offering custom software development, premium mobile apps, and website development services to global clients. In his free time, he loves writing. He is featured on Hackernoon, Dzone, Enlear Academy, Articlesfactory, and much more websites.

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