How Much Does It Cost To Develop A Website or App Like Quora?

Almost all people today want to run their business online. But, many of them don’t know what idea can be the best. Developing an app or website to start a business can be a little easy, but coming up with an excellent idea is not. If you are planning to build an app like quora, it would be a great idea. But, do you know the cost to develop an app like Quora?

If not, don’t worry, this blog will enrich you with all the crucial information for creating an app like quora.

According to Statista, as of now, around 3.48 million apps exist on the Google play store. And if you don’t take care of a few things while hiring an on-demand app development company, your app can get lost in the huge number of apps on the play store. Moreover, it will have less reach to the people.

So, you need to know everything like how the Quora app works, important features that you can include in your app similar to Quora, tech stack, & at the end of the write-up how the non-profit Quora app is turning to make profits (Business model). Let’s get started!

What Is Quora & How Does It Work?

Quora is a platform where you can ask questions, read answers, edit them, and provide suggestions. Basically, people from all walks of life can share and gain knowledge from every field on this platform.

It’s a free platform for the people. They can learn and grow by using it. You can also call it a social networking app because it allows you to interact with people having knowledge of specific disciplines. And like and dislike the answers.

With the passing years, the quora app and website improved by including some features. They are based on users’ experience, requirements, and performance of the platform. The use of good technologies helped its developers in the same. But, if you are not a technical person, you will need to hire a social networking app development company.

The company will build a website or app like quora for you. But, do you know what features you should include in your app? It’s a very important question to make your product successful and survive in the tough competition. Here are some of the crucial features that you must discuss with the company while determining the mobile app development cost.

10 Features of Quora That You Can Include in Your Quora Clone App




Ask Questions & Add Answers

Although it’s a common feature, it’s a core trait of a website like quora. If you avoid it, your product will not justify your purpose for making it. Likewise, include this feature for both admin and user for a comprehensive site.

Recommendation for Answers

Personalized experience on the app or website increases the customer retention rate. Therefore, Quora recommends some answers to its users. These answers are sorted based on user searches, his interest area, and the last search topic. This type of feature contributes to the final cost to develop an app like Quora.

Edit Topics & Questions

If the user identifies mistakes, wants to give suggestions, and edit answers for any reason, he can. Suppose, you find a mistake in the topic, question, and answer, you can either downvote or go in the view question log section to give your input.

Top Writers Program

Quora runs a top writers program, in which it provides gifts to the writers whose answers are excellent and most viewed. It helps to motivate the writers and enrich the platform with the best content. You can also include this feature in your product by discussing it with your concerned mobile app development solutions.

Anonymous Writer Feature

You have to make an account on Quora, if you want to ask questions and write the answers. But if you don’t want to share your details, you can hide. When you answer the question, your name will appear as ‘Anonymous writer’.


Quora Digest

Quora-like app development can take time, but you should not miss good features to save time. Quora Digest is one of the best features that you can have in your app if you want to offer a personalized experience to your users. Based on the search history, some questions and their best answers are provided through emails to the users.

Manage Ad, Users, & Posts

If you want to manage the advertisements on the app, you can do it easily and increase traffic. You can empower the users in your platform by allowing them to manage the target audience for them. So that they can plan their market base effectively.

These are important features, but not enough. Yes, you read it right. To make your product stand out, discuss with the expert mobile app developers and include other crucial features also.

Here are some other features that you can include in your Quora-like app to boost traffic and for easy handling.

Cloud Storage Integration

If you want to secure information by saving it across the platform, you can do it with the help of cloud storage integration.

CMS Integration

Quora is all about content, for that reason, CMS integration will make your app or website advance. You can manage the content across the platform.

Social Media API

If you are heading to hire a Quora clone app development company, make sure you ask them to include social media application programming interface (APIs). These are Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and others.

This is all about what features you should include in an app like Quora. Now scroll down to know how much does it cost to develop an app or website like Quora?

How Much Does It Cost to Make an App Like Quora?

Before you jump to the answer, let’s have a look at some facts.



  • Most of the impressions on the quora website and app come from mobile users.
  • Approx. 300 million monthly active users are on Quora.
  • More than 35% of Americans use Quora.
  • Around 54% of Quora users have an annual income is $100000.

You can understand the value of the Quora platform, by seeing these stats.

According to the customer project research report of the Businessofapps website, simple app development can require $40,000-$60,000. And medium to complex app development can need $61,000-$120,000.

Moreover, complex app development costs $120,000+. The average cost of hiring a US app developer is approx. $90,000 per year.

If you consider the stats of WebFX, the website development cost is around $12,000 to $150,000.

Although several factors play a crucial role in determining the final price of the website and app, these facts will give you an average idea about the cost before hiring a Quora app development solution for your product.

Here are the factors that determine the final cost.



Project Size

Size is the basic factor that contributes to determining the cost of the project. The size of the team of the developers is decided according to the project size. A small business website or apps will require less work, so the team will also be small. If you want more than average pages in it, the price and time to develop can increase.

Search Engine Optimization

A good website developer will always check the position of the product on the search results as he completed working on it. Although it is new, it should have a potential for good positioning on the search results. Therefore, when you hire a developer, make sure it is from the top mobile app development company.

Complexity Level

The more complex the project is, the more will be the price to complete it. Some unique or very difficult to implement features in the product increase the price. Moreover, sometimes the developers have to imagine what the client needs.

Database Integration

This factor can lead to more expenses, but it’s important. A skilled team of developers can complete this task because it needs technical expertise. Combining a database with your website allows the users to make changes to their accounts. These changes are as follows: editing, removal, updating, and others.


It directly impacts the user. He doesn’t care how robust or good your website is. Initially, he only stays on the website, when he finds the look of it impressive. Therefore, you have to take the designing part of your website or app seriously. Make sure the company uses the best mobile app development frameworks while creating your app.


The website and app maintenance cost can go around $50 per Month. If you want the developer himself to maintain it, the price can be higher. This factor includes the cost for hosting, monitoring, marketing, updates, and others.


It’s an important factor to determine the cost to develop an app like Quora. Since you want to sort the answers and recommend the best ones to users, you need to include navigation. Consequently, the users can easily find what they want. It’s good for the user experience.

Deployment Cost

Three things you have to decide on for it. First, which type of hosting do you need, second what is the price for this type of host, third do you need self-hosting or not. Well, the average cost is around $1,100 to $3800 for hosting. This price includes domain security, web development, and maintenance.

You must have got an idea of how much you will need to spend if you hire a website or mobile app development company.

Quora is a good platform that allows free social networking. However, you can go for social media app development also, if you need apps like Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and many others.

Several people look for the question how to create a website like Pinterest?’ It is because it is also a good platform to upload images and increase social networks. But, one thing you should not miss for web or app development is ‘Tech stack.’

Move ahead to know what it is and its importance.


What Is Tech Stack of Quora?

Technology stack is a crucial thing. And without it, you can’t determine the cost to develop an app like Quora. The group of different technologies makes a technology stack. Or you can say the technologies used to develop a website or app make up a tech stack.

Let’s know the tech stack behind Quora.

  • Python
  • Javascript
  • HTML
  • Web Servers
  • Traffic Analysis Tools
  • Amazon Web Services
  • Mysql

These are the technical stack of Quora. Now you can deal with the development company better if you know them. Social media app developers also follow this tech stack because Quora comes under the social networking sites category.

But do you know that Quora is not a free platform anymore? Don’t get shocked. Quora has been offering free services for a long time, but now it is trying to make money with some steps.

Let’s read about it in detail below.

How Quora Makes Money? A Quick View At Its Business Model

The new product of Quora is ‘Quora+’. In this, you have to subscribe to read the content of the best writers. This way, the writers who are more skilled, and need money can get benefits. And the subscribers can get to read the best content on the platform.

You will have to pay around 5$ for a monthly subscription and around 50$ for a yearly subscription. Still, Quora will not take all the money generated out of subscriptions. It will distribute 95% of the total money among the content creators.

Quora is now earning through advertisements also. You can notice them while reading any answers. Although they are few, in the future you can notice many others as well. If you are planning to have an app similar to Quora and want to make money, motivate the writers and readers in the same way to boost the traffic.

Wrapping up

Now, you know all the information regarding the cost to develop an app like Quora. If you want to hire the best app and website development company, Technource can be the right option. From skilled developers to creative designers, and knowledge of the latest technologies, we have everything.Why-Just-quora-like-App-CTA


Saikat Ghosh working as a Business & HR head at mobile app development company, Technource. He is an Electrical engineer by education and studied management from IIM, Calcutta. He has worked last 23 years in client-facing roles like Marketing, Sales, and Support. He loves to work with on-demand app development, Marketing & Sales strategies, brainstorm new ideas, and learn from people. When he is off from his regular job, he works for his theatre group.

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