Offshore Software Development: Key Benefits & Things to Consider Before Hiring A Company

$116 billion was the revenue from outsourcing software in 2022. It was more than 6% from the year 2021. Revenue from offshore software development is expected to reach around $145 by 2027. More than 60% of companies outsource software development services in 2023. These facts show the distance between consumers and suppliers has reduced.

You can hire an offshore software development company in India from your residence in the USA without physical barriers. Whether you are planning for a startup or a big venture, having an app or website is necessary for reaching more customers, providing the best services, improving the services, and expanding to the internal market fast.

Our software development company also receives offshore software projects. Our highly skilled software developers discuss app ideas with international clients. Well, offshore software development has become common because of many reasons. The most important reason is high-quality development services at a low price.

An offshore software development company offers many other benefits as well. You will get to know about these benefits as you move forward on the blog. Moreover, this blog offers you insight into what you should be careful about before hiring an offshore software development team, trends in offshore software development services, and at the end examples of some offshore software development companies.

So, you have a lot to explore in this write-up. Are you ready? If yes, scroll down.


What Is Offshore Software Development?

Before you dive deep into the benefits of offshore software outsourcing, understand what it means. Hiring a software development company from outside of the country and giving all the responsibilities from app development to designing, testing, deploying, and removing bugs is offshoring software development.

There are many offshore software development outsourcing sites. However, their project management and offshore software development rates vary per region. So, you can’t find the same offshore software development costs for developers belonging to different countries.

For example, a US-based app developer charges $100-150/hour, a UK developer charges $50/hour while an Indian app developer charges only $30/hour. So, low prices attract offshore businesses to hire offshore developers.

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Benefits of Hiring Offshore Software Development Company

Many businesses want to hire the best offshore development team for their dream projects. It is because software development outsourcing provides many advantages. Statista indicates that in 2021 IT consulting and implementation services market generated total revenue of $57.02 billion.

Have a look at the benefits of an outsourcing software development company to get offshore development services.

  • Experience On Demand
  • Cost-effective Services
  • Faster Time to Market
  • Sustainable Scaling
  • Ease of Recruitment
  • Time Saving
  • Reliability

Let’s read about each benefit in the detail below.

1. Experience On Demand


Do you want an experienced offshore team for your project because it is a complex software project? Specific skill sets and experience for the particular software development project are needed by the business. Experienced software developers build impeccable applications in a short time.

Onshore software development often can’t match your project requirements and you don’t get the best software developers with specific skills and experience. In this case, businesses hire offshore developers with high qualifications and experience.

2. Cost-effective Services


An offshore development company costs lower than an onshore software development partner. When you go for local software engineers, you have to spend on their training, onboarding, salaries, and other expenses. However, software development rates are low when you seek offshore development services from outsourcing software development companies.

It is because you don’t have to manage a team and pay for different expenses. Since most of the tasks are done remotely, a software solution becomes cost-effective. There is better control of operational expenditures. Besides it, you have to take care of time differences in the countries, while discussing your project. Check out the custom software development cost to know about prices better.

3. Faster Time to Market

Faster Time to Market

Businesses are confronted with fierce competition more than ever before. Who comes first has more opportunities to grab more customers. Offshore software development helps you to launch your app or website fast and be ahead of the curve. In the IT sector, speed and accuracy are crucial.

Most offshore software development teams work around the clock to offer you software development services on time. So, without worrying about the time zone difference, you can go for software outsourcing services.

4. Sustainable Scaling

Sustainable Scaling

If you need to add some features to your app or have some suggestions, outsourcing companies listen to your feedback carefully and implement it as soon as possible. You can discuss features, UI/UX designs, and other things related to your software with a project manager at any time.

Many businesses seek offshore software developers for innovative website redesign services. You should know about the website redesign cost in 2023 before hiring an offshore development company. So, you can get a solution for every problem at a reasonable software development cost from offshore software companies.

5. Ease of Recruitment


Ease of recruitment is one of the best advantages that lead many stakeholders and businesses to go beyond the time zone difference and hire custom software development teams. Your best software development companies select candidates with the right profile for your software project.

In addition, they deal with all the formalities and offer quality assurance. So, maintaining an in-house team turns out to be an easy task. Besides it, if you have to let go of some employees, you can do it with the help of a development company.

6. Time-Saving


Seeking offshore software development outsourcing services reduces your time to market. Whether it is web development or app development, the best offshore software developers use popular software development models to complete the project timely and with effectiveness.

An offshore development team saves your project to get delayed or behind the deadline. Offshore developers analyze the competitive market. They know, the longer you take to come into the market, the more you lose in the market field. Offshore software development services are fast and save time.

7. Reliability


How will you trust offshore software outsourcing firms for app and web development? They are not even in your local area so you can go and complain about the bad services. Reliability is the most crucial thing that a software development team can offer, especially if it is located outside of the country.

Quality assurance, timely delivery, maintenance, and support services by an offshore company make it reliable. NDA also plays a crucial role in the reliability traits of a mobile app development agency. If it signs Non-Disclosure Agreement, you can trust it to protect your app idea.

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5 Things to Consider Before Hiring Offshore Developers

There are many software development companies in Eastern European countries and Asian countries. Which one will you choose for your web apps or other types of software development?

In South America, many outsourcing companies are booming. Colombia, Mexico, Brazil, and Argentina are the homes of offshore development teams. You can also find freelance developers in Eastern Europe. But always consider the below-written things to avoid any fraud and loss to build mobile and web apps with the help of an offshore software development model.

  • Time Zones
  • Industry Understanding
  • Software Development Rates
  • Offshore Programming Team’s Portfolio
  • Agreements, Policies, and Services

Let’s explore each of the key factors to consider while hiring an offshore programming team.

1. Time Zones

When you hire an in-house team from your country, you don’t need to worry about the time zone difference. But if you want a software developer from outside your country, consider the time differences. Coordinated universal time (UTC), is the world’s time standard. Other examples of time zones are EST, CTD, CST, and GMT.

2. Software Development Rates

No offshore software development cost is the same. Development costs vary as you travel from north to south or east to west on the globe of the world. Offshore software development cost varies on many factors like services, tech stack, demand, the experience of developers, demographics, and others.

3. Offshore Programming Team’s Portfolio

You should find out about the qualification, experience, skills, and number of projects handled by the development team and development company. Software building is one of the complex development processes, so the best offshore software development team is needed. You can find out whether seeking software development services from a particular team or company is worth it or not.

4. Agreements, Policies, and Services

This is the last thing to consider but the most important one. Always check the agreement like NDA, policies, and services offered by an offshore software development firm. Go through the reviews and feedback from the clients of the firm. Do, your research thoroughly before seeking offshore software development to avoid any fraud.



Latest Trends in Offshore Software Development

How to build an Android app in 2023 that can rivet the attention of everyone and become a successful application? Considering the trends is the best way to be ahead of the curve in any field. Make your application beautiful and innovative.

You can hire an in-house team from an offshore development agency. It researches, and analyzes app development trends, and integrates the best features into your mobile application. Moreover, many offshore development teams use the 20 best web design software for a fast and effective website-building process.

Have a look at the latest trends in offshore software development:

  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Augmented Reality
  • Blockchain Technology
  • Hybrid Teams
  • Cloud Integration

1. Artificial Intelligence

Since companies are looking for automation of repetitive tasks, AI has come across as the best solution for the same. This technology is rapidly transforming business processes. Know how to choose an AI app development company

2. Augmented Reality

We have seen many AR apps, especially game apps. Offshore software development companies. This technology improves the user experience by putting live images in the virtual environment. Many industries are thriving because of this technology. Likewise, AR and VR are shaping the eCommerce industry as well.

3. Blockchain Technology

According to Statista, 45% of blockchain technology is used for secure information exchange. Many offshore development firms consider it to be the best revolutionary technological advancement in recent times.

4. Hybrid Teams

Hybrid teams are the new normal trend in the IT sector. It reduces development costs. A project manager can also assign tasks to the team members by keeping flexibility following this trend. Video conferences have made it easy to collaborate with developers working remotely.

5. Cloud Integration

Software developer integrates cloud services into your app and website for easy access. Clients can get flexible options with cloud computing. It makes the development process also effortless. Many software engineering agencies make distributed cloud computing.

Examples of Offshore Software Development Companies

The outsourcing market is growing like never before in 2023. From South America to Eastern European countries and Asia there are many offshore software development companies. Have a look at the top ones.

  • Dev.Pro
  • Technource
  • Admios
  • Arcanys
  • ScienceSoft

How to Hire Offshore Software Developers?

Spending on IT services is expected around 1.3 trillion U.S. dollars as per the 2022 report by Statista. Software as Service-based companies is thriving because of the high demand for digital products. Different companies offer different software development services. So, the software development cost also varies.

You have to find what type of services you want. It will help you hire the right firm for your software development. But, how will you find the right offshore software development company for your dream project?

You will have to consider some steps to choose a company without any mistakes.

1. Understand your requirements

Until you are clear about what you want in the software, you can’t find the right team. So, research thoroughly about your business model, check similar software as your app or web idea, go through the sites of your competitors, and follow some research metrics. So that you can ask questions to developers properly and explain what type of product you want.

2. Check Review Platforms

What other clients say about the firm is crucial to take into account. Check reviews and feedback to know about the results delivered by the particular agencies. This way, you can easily decide whether to go with this offshore company or not.

3. Make a List

As I told you earlier there are many mobile app development companies, so remembering what all of them do is quite difficult. So, make a list to shortlist them. Compare services, costs development teams, technologies, and other factors to find the best agency.

4. Conduct the Interview

An interview is an important process to find whether the developer is skilled enough to handle your project and suitable for the particular software development task. Prepare some questions to ask the developer. Asses his unique skill sets that match your project.

5. Sign Agreement

This is the last step to hiring an offshore app development agency. If everything goes well and you find the company best suitable for your project in terms of all aspects, sign an agreement. Read all the terms, conditions, and benefits. Also, ask for maintenance services and support.

Bottom Line:

You may feel a little reluctant to hire an offshore software development company if this is your first time. But the information in this blog will help you put the best foot forward and find a cost-effective company in a short time. If you face any issues, contact Technource at any time. We offer software development services around the clock. Stay tuned for more informative blogs.


Saikat Ghosh working as a Business & HR head at mobile app development company, Technource. He is an Electrical engineer by education and studied management from IIM, Calcutta. He has worked last 23 years in client-facing roles like Marketing, Sales, and Support. He loves to work with on-demand app development, Marketing & Sales strategies, brainstorm new ideas, and learn from people. When he is off from his regular job, he works for his theatre group.

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