Cybersecurity Best Practices for Mobile Apps Development

The number of people who use smartphones is expected to reach more than 6 billion in 2024. A growing number of users requires robust application security features. Businesses look for an app development company that can build secure features and functions for their mobile apps.

However, this increased reliance on mobile applications comes with a great risk of cybersecurity threats. Application security market revenue is anticipated to reach 7 billion in 2024. It means, more software development companies and businesses will prioritize mobile app security more than ever.

From personal information to financial data, mobile apps often handle sensitive information that can be targeted by malicious actors. Therefore, the security of mobile apps is crucial for users and businesses. You as a developer should take some informed steps to reduce risks and secure data.

We have come up with the well-researched best practices to build a secure and robust mobile application in this blog. By using these effective ways, you can deal with potential cyber attacks on your app. It will build trust in your app users.

So, let’s get started!

Want a secure app to protect your users_

Importance of Mobile App Security

The number of smartphone users has consistently grown over the past few years. It also increased the use of mobile applications among the masses.

Have a look at the image below, it shows the forecast for the increasing number of smartphone users.

Number of smartphone users in the world from 2014 to 2029
Number of smartphone users in the world from 2014 to 2029

Image Source

Considering the increasing number of smartphone and app users, the importance of app security also increased. Here are the key reasons why mobile app security matters.

  1. Protection of sensitive data:
    You know that mobile apps often handle sensitive information like login credentials, financial data, and other personal details. So, without adequate security measures in place, the data is prone to misuse. Strong mobile app security safeguards sensitive data and ensures user privacy and trust.
  2. Prevention of unauthorized access:
    Security breaches on mobile apps can lead to unauthorized access to user accounts and devices. While developing an app, if you leave vulnerabilities, then it becomes easy for malicious actors to exploit these vulnerabilities and exploit data. They can also install malicious software into your smartphone.

    Strong authentication and authorization methods help to secure the mobile app.

  3. Mitigation of financial losses:
    Security breaches in mobile apps can lead to severe financial losses for both businesses and users. Data breaches may result in legal penalties, spoil the brand image, and regulatory fees. Moreover, businesses may face financial losses due to the theft of intellectual property or disruption of services.

    Investing in mobile app security measures can help reduce these risks and protect against monetary losses. A good Flutter app development company can meet these security requirements.

  4. Maintenance of user trust:
    The moment users find out your app is not robust and doesn’t have secure features, you can see a sudden increase in your app uninstallation cases. Users expect their mobile apps to be trustworthy and secure. Security incidents can spoil their experience with your app. It can also erode user faith in your app.

    By prioritizing mobile app security, developers and businesses indicate their commitment to securing user data. This, in turn, leads to long-term bondings with users and increases the app’s reputation.

Types of security issues attached to mobile applications

Security issues in mobile applications can be many. However, it depends on the various factors. We are going to cover key security issues so that you can use the best practices accordingly.

  1. Weak Authentication & Authorization:
    Apps with weak authentication mechanisms can easily misused and be used for unauthorized access. Poorly managed authorization can lead to users accessing functionalities they should not have permission for.
  2. Insecure Data Storage:
    Storing sensitive data such as passwords, personal details, or financial information insecurely like plain text or weak encryption can expose it to unauthorized access or theft. An Android app development company focuses on creating secure data storage with the right database system.
  3. Insecure Communication:
    Mobile apps often talk to servers or different devices over networks. Without proper encryption and validation, sensitive data transmitted between the app and servers can be manipulated by attackers.
  4. Vulnerabilities in Code:
    Flaws in the app’s code, such as buffer overflows, SQL injection, or improper error handling can be exploited by attackers. They do it to get access without permission, run malicious code, or manipulate data.
  5. Lack of Secure Update Mechanisms:
    If mobile apps do not have secure mechanisms for updating to the latest version, they may remain vulnerable to known security flaws. And it can be seen even after patches are released.
  6. Client Side Injection:
    Cross-site scripting (XSS) or SQL injection are injection attacks. They occur if an app can’t perform properly. It allows attackers to execute malicious scripts or commands on the client side.
  7. Malicious Third-party Libraries:
    Integrating third-party libraries without a proper understanding leads to security vulnerabilities in the app. These libraries may contain malicious code. They can also have vulnerabilities that attackers can exploit.
  8. Social Engineering Attacks:
    Attackers can use this technique to trick users into revealing sensitive information or doing actions that harm security such as clicking on malicious links or downloading malware-infected apps.

These are just a few examples of security issues an app development company has to consider before starting work on a project.

11 Best Practices for Building Secure Mobile Applications

Don’t get intimated by reading about the security issues in mobile apps, you can easily avoid them. For this, you have to focus on effective practices for secure mobile app development.

  1. Implement secure authentication
  2. Encrypt sensitive data
  3. Follow the least privilege principle
  4. Secure network communication
  5. Implement secure code practices
  6. Regularly update dependencies
  7. Apply secure configuration
  8. Secure API integration
  9. Conduct security testing
  10. Secure data storage
  11. Secure communication

Learn about all these cybersecurity best practices in the detail below.

  1. Implement secure authentication

    This method involves using robust ways to verify the identity of users using an application. Multi-factor authentication (MFA) is a key approach in which users must provide two or more types of credentials. It should be something they are aware of like a password, or something they own a mobile device and token.

    It can also be something they are like fingerprint and facial recognition. By requiring multiple factors for authentication, MFA adds an extra layer of security, it reduces the danger of unauthorized use even if one factor is compromised. It helps safeguard sensitive data resources within the application from unauthorized users.

  2. Encrypt sensitive data

    You can keep data safe from unauthorized use by changing it into encrypted code. This process applies to both data in transit like when it’s being sent over the internet and data at rest, when it is stored on devices. Always focus on using strong encryption code logics such as AES or RSA. They are used to ensure robust protection.

    Secure key management practices, like rotating keys regularly and storing them safely. It enhances security more. By encrypting sensitive data and managing keys securely, organizations can safeguard information to maintain its confidentiality against potential threats.

  3. Follow the least privilege principle

    It means providing only those permissions to mobile apps that are important for their functions. By restricting permissions to what is necessary, you can minimize surface areas vulnerable to attacks. This practice reduces the risk of data leaks or misuse because apps can’t access sensitive resources unnecessarily.

    For instance, an app designed for photo editing, should not require access to contacts. By limiting permissions to the bare minimum, developers mitigate potential security vulnerabilities. It also enhances overall app security and protects user data from unauthorized persons.

  4. Secure network communication

    Secure network communication means using HTTPs and TLS/SSL protocols to keep your users’ data safe. It happens when the app talks to servers. It protects against hackers intercepting or changing the data while it travels over the internet. With HTTP data is encrypted which makes it unreadable to people who try to sneak a peak.

    It ensures that sensitive data like personal details and passwords stay private and no one can tamper with them. Secure communication protocols help apps trust the data being sent and make it safe from malicious alterations.

  5. Implement secure code practices

    The process of making an app secure and robust starts with developing logic and writing code. You as a developer have to follow some guidelines for proper error handling, input validation, and output encoding. These practices help prevent common vulnerabilities such as injection attacks and buffer overflows, which can compromise the security of an application.

    Your input validation makes sure that only expected and safe data is considered. On the other hand output encoding protects against doubtful activities that could misuse vulnerabilities. Proper error handling helps detect and respond to unexpected situations gracefully. It reduces the risk of security breaches. By adhering to secure coding practices, you can create more resilient software solutions that are less prone to exploitation.

  6. Regularly update dependencies

    You have to stay updated with the current versions of third-party libraries, frameworks, and dependencies used in app development. This practice is crucial for understanding security vulnerabilities and eliminating the risk of misuse by malicious activities.

    You can ensure that your apps have the latest security fixes and improvements provided by the developers of these dependencies. For this, they have to keep themselves updated.

    Failing to update dependencies leaves apps vulnerable to known security flaws. It also increases the likelihood of security breaches and compromises the integrity of the application and user data.

  7. We build an app that matches your dream business.

  8. Apply secure configuration

    You need to set up app parameters in a way that prioritizes security. It includes configuring server settings, access control to minimize vulnerabilities and encryption protocol. Secure configuration is crucial to prevent unauthorized access, data breaches, and other security issues by ensuring that the app operates in a secure environment.

    It includes the best practices such as disabling unnecessary features, enforcing strong access control, and enabling encryption. You can mitigate potential security issues and enhance the overall security posture and this is all by configuring app settings securely.

  9. Secure API integration

    Secure APIs are like locked doors that only open for the right people. They need usernames and passwords for authentication and verifying who is trying to get in. Secure APIs use special codes to scramble messages when they travel from one place to another. It checks whether the information received is safe or not.

    Imagine if someone keeps knocking on your door too many times. Using secure API is the best practice as it keeps an eye on audit logs and monitors to catch any suspicious activity. By having these security features, APIs ensure that only authenticated people can use them.

    If you don’t know about APIs and how to use them in your software, a good app development company can do it for you as it has experts with relevant industry experience. You have to find the best firm for innovative and secure software solutions.

  10. Conduct security testing

    It allows you to systematically use the application’s security features to find out and address potential issues. It includes various methods such as penetration testing, which sites cyber attacks to uncover weaknesses in the system’s defenses.

    Nowadays, Hybrid apps are popular, they include features of native apps and web apps. Code tampering may happen in this type of app. Therefore, an Ionic app development company builds a Hybrid app with robust features that allow no scope for code tampering.

  11. Secure data storage

    Secure data storage means keeping information safe from people who have the wrong intentions. Mobile platforms offer built-in methods to store data securely, like encrypted databases or secure file systems. These mechanisms ensure that sensitive data such as passwords and payment details are scrambled in a way that only authorized users or apps can unscramble.

    Think of it like a secret vault inside your phone. Only with the right key someone can access it. Additionally, mobile platforms provide safeguards to prevent malicious activities. These security measures protect against hacking attacks and data breaches.

    You can make sure that sensitive data stays secure and can not be accessed by unauthorized parties. This is one of the crucial practices to build a secure mobile app.

  12. Secure communication

    Secure communication is a crucial aspect of developing a secure mobile application. It is important for protecting data transmitted between the software and external services or servers. Implementation of secure communication practices safeguards against data interception and tampering through malicious actors.

    HTTPs encrypt data and ensure secure communication. The protocol makes sure that the data remains confidential and can’t be deciphered by unauthorized people. Secure communication protocol includes methods for verifying altered data.

    The protocol also checks the mobile app is connected to legitimate servers and services. It prevents man-in-the-middle attacks. Secure communication also protects against various network-based attacks like replay attacks, DNS spoofing, and packet sniffing.

How can you build a secure app with Technource?

At Technource, our 12 years of experience in app development equips us with the expertise to develop secure applications for our clients. Here’s how we ensure the security of the apps we build.

  1. Expert team:
    Our team comprises skilled developers, testers, designers, a project manager, and others who are well-versed in industry best practices. They help to identify and reduce potential security risks across the app development lifecycle.
  2. Secure coding practices:
    Our iPhone app development company adheres to secure coding practices to prevent common vulnerabilities such as SQL injection, insecure data storage, and cross-site scripting (XSS). By writing clean and secure code, we minimize the risk of security breaches and ensure the integrity of the application we create.
  3. Thorough testing:
    We conduct a comprehensive testing process, including vulnerability checking, and code reviews to find out any security issues or weaknesses in the application. This proactive approach allows us to detect security problems before malicious actors find them.
  4. Data encryption:
    We implement strong encryption algorithms to protect sensitive information in transit and at rest. We encrypt data stored on the device and transmitted over the network. We ensure that it remains confidential.
  5. Authentication and authorization:
    Technource uses robust authentication and authorization methods to verify the identity of users and control misuse of sensitive features or data on the app. It curbs unauthorized access and safeguards user privacy.
  6. Regular updates and maintenance:
    Our developers provide ongoing support and maintenance services to keep the app up to date with the latest security patches and fixes. Our quick and proactive approaches reduce the risk of security incidents and ensure long-term security.

    We are committed to building secure applications that protect our client’s data. With our effective testing processes, we remove all the remaining errors in the code features, designs, and features.

Final Note

Cybersecurity has become more critical than ever thus identifying cyber criminals and malicious actors also become difficult. By implementing the best practices provided in this blog, you can mitigate the risk of security breaches and protect sensitive user data. Secure authentication, data encryption, regular updates, and many others are the best practices to build a secure application. But, remember cybersecurity is not a one-time task. Stay informed about new threats and evolving security standards.

We build an app that matches your dream business.


Saikat Ghosh working as a Business & HR head at mobile app development company, Technource. He is an Electrical engineer by education and studied management from IIM, Calcutta. He has worked last 23 years in client-facing roles like Marketing, Sales, and Support. He loves to work with on-demand app development, Marketing & Sales strategies, brainstorm new ideas, and learn from people. When he is off from his regular job, he works for his theatre group.

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