How Will Metaverse Impact Future Travel App Development?

With no passport, no booking for flights and hotels, and not so much planning for a trip, you can still travel the world. How is it even possible? Technology can make things possible that we could not even imagine a few years back. Metaverse in travel is shaking the travel industry this way.

You must have used VR apps, they provide an experience of the real world in a virtual platform. An app development company creates custom travel apps integrated with VR, AI, and AR technologies for businesses. These apps improve customer experiences and streamline services. Metaverse is an extended VR technology and or a combination of AI, AR, and VR technologies to transform the traditional way of providing services in different sectors like Travel.

It provides an immersive virtual space for the Travel sector to redefine travel experiences. This blog will take you into the world of Metaverse in travel. You will learn about how Metaverse is impacting and enhancing the travel sector.

What Is Metaverse?

Metaverse is a new buzzword in the tech industry. Metaverse is a collective virtual space having real-world objects and information. Metaverse creates another world for the user where he can live like the real world. It requires only two things to experience one is high-speed internet and the other is a VR device, or any device integrated with Metaverse technology.

Metaverse is not a single technology, it is a combination of technologies like AR, VR, AI, and other immersive technologies. It encompasses a digital universe where users can enjoy a Utopia kind of world. It can be an imaginary world or digital twins of the real physical world. So far, Metaverse has been popular in gaming, digital commerce, and social interactions, but now impacting travelers’ experiences.

Metaverse users are expected to increase to around 2600 million by 2030. Have a look at the market size of Metaverse in different sectors in the image below.

Metaverse in different sectors

Image source

Devices used for the Metaverse Travel

To explore and enjoy the world of Metaverse you need a device. Many VR and Metaverse devices are present in the market. Let’s know about the popular ones in the space below.

  1. Virtual Reality Headsets:
    VR headsets are immersive devices that transfer users into a computer-generated environment. It provides a multisensory experience. These headsets use advanced technologies like high-resolution displays, and head tracking, and simulate 3-D-dimensional spaces. Visuals adjust by noticing the user’s head moments. VR headsets make you feel like you are in a virtual environment. Virtual Reality (VR) technology is widely used in various industries including travel, gaming, and healthcare.
  2. Augmented Reality Devices:
    AR device in travel and tourism enhances users’ experience of traveling the world virtually. AR is a little different from the VR. Virtual Reality creates an environment while Augmented Reality doesn’t create an entire environment, it only overlays digital content into the real world. For example Pokemon game.

    You can experience it through smartphones and AR glasses. AR provides real-time information about landmarks, displays historical details, and translates board signs. Explore how to create an AR app for better understanding.

    This device enriches the user’s journey by adding a layer of digital information. You will not have to take off your AR device and ask which place is this and what are the things shown because the device provides digital information while traveling.

  3. Haptic Feedback Devices:
    These devices provide users with a sense of touch by enhancing immersion and realism. For example, if you are going to turn off the switch using a feedback device, you will feel the shape of the switch on your finger while doing so. It renders feeling like switching off in real life. Using haptic gloves during a virtual tour allows users to “feel” the texture of historical artifacts.

    So, you can have a more sensory-rich travel experience using this device. Users can explore destinations remotely with a deeper level of engagement. It helps to offer a deeper level of engagement so that users don’t feel disconnected from the place.

  4. Spatial computing devices:
    These devices enhance interaction between the physical and digital worlds. They offer more immersive and interactive experiences to users. They use mapping technologies to understand and respond to the physical environment. This way, users feel more connected to the digital content.

    Many spatial computing devices use Augmented Reality technology where users receive real-time information about their surroundings and points of interest. These devices provide additional storytelling that helps users engage with the place effectively.

  5. Smartphones and tablets:
    Smartphones and tablets are a gateway to the Metaverse. These devices have dedicated apps that help to connect with the virtual environment. They enable users to engage with AR technology to experience the virtual world more effectively. Virtual tours, interactive content, destination previews, and more.

    Users can interact with the digital world in an immersive way using touch screens and sensors. They can navigate through digital landscapes and explore destinations more engagingly. Social interaction is also possible with smartphones having metaverse.

Try VR apps to elevate the customer experience

Welcome to the future of Travel

The try-and-buy concept was not for the travel industry until now. However, after the advent of Metaverse technology travelers first visit places virtually and decide where to go. Suppose, you want to go to an island where you can have a fun-filled vacation. Start researching about top 5 islands and go for their virtual tours.

It will help you find the most suitable island for you. This tour will assist you with additional information and stories about the place that help to engage with the place effectively.

You can also check the possible activities like Swimming with Dolphins, Scuba diving, and numerous other water activities. Imagine this virtual tour like trying a dress online before actually hitting the buy button on the eCommerce app. AR and VR in e-commerce have brought immense enhancement to the industry.

The travel sector can thrive more than before with this type of service for its users. They can connect with the place effectively and make informed decisions before packing their bags for travel. You can plan and experience your dream vacation with the help of Metaverse.

Several travel apps have included AR and VR technologies to provide users with immersive experiences. By using an app you can virtually explore exotic destinations, standing on the beaches of Bora Bora, or walking through the historic streets of Rome.

Metaverse brings these places to life and helps you get a taste of local culture without physically going to the place. This is one of the effective benefits of Metaverse Tourism. Apart from pre-travel experiences, you can take virtual tours of hotels, experience the ambiance of restaurants, and preview activities.

Metaverse also allows you to have virtual travel events and learn about hidden gems from experienced travelers all through the power of your smartphone.

Benefits of Metaverse in Travel

Metaverse presents a myriad of benefits to people. It has a wide range of services to impact their travel journey. Have a look at the common benefits in the space below.

  1. Immersive exploration
  2. Personalized experiences
  3. Virtual trip planning
  4. Community building
  5. Real-time updates
  6. Enhanced marketing
  7. Crisis preparedness

For an in-depth understanding of these benefits scroll down and learn.

  1. Immersive exploration

    Do you have a smartphone or device connected to the internet? If yes, you can experience a virtual world with the feeling of being really present in the place. It allows you to explore destinations before visiting. It offers a preview of accommodations, attractions, and local experiences with the help of Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality. Developers use AR to create applications that offer immersive exploration.

  2. Personalized experiences

    Travel apps provide personalized travel recommendations based on individual preferences. Potential travelers get tailor-made itineraries and suggestions according to user’s preferences. The travel apps ask for your personal information and use it to offer you personalized recommendations related to accommodations and hotels.

  3. Virtual trip planning

    Travelers can plan their trips and organize them within the virtual environment of Metaverse. Virtual reality headsets offer a comprehensive 360-degree view, which enables travelers to explore and walk through the streets as if they were physically present there. If you are more concerned about the hotel room’s layout also you can check with the help of Metaverse apps. These apps use Artificial Intelligence to analyze user preferences and suggest personalized itineraries.

  4. Community building

    Community building helps users share experiences, recommendations, and tips. They can share experiences which help to make informed decisions to travel particular place, book a particular hotel, and specify many other things.

  5. Also read: Which are the apps like Airbnb to travel?

  6. Real-time updates

    Getting the latest information as it happens helps travelers to make quick decisions. It can include immediate updates about your destination, current weather conditions, and any events happening nearby. Imagine, you are experiencing a place that has a high chance of uncertainties in weather and Metaverse shows you Thunder and Tornado in the virtual world. You will be thrilled to watch it happening in front of you.

  7. Enhanced marketing

    Businesses can use Metaverse for immersive and innovative marketing campaigns, showcasing destinations, weather conditions, and local events, and enhancing situational awareness. Users get an overall travel experience and can also see advertisements from competitors in the virtual environment.

  8. Crisis preparedness

    Everyone imagines travel as a joyful journey but it is not always sunshine and rainbows. Some specific places require travelers to prepare for crisis. The Metaverse provides a platform where you can prepare yourself for unexpected crises. Preparing for crises in the virtual world helps to deal with them effectively outside the Virtual tourism.

Let’s watch the below video for more interactive knowledge about Metaverse in the travel sector.

Integration of Metaverse in Travel apps

You must be wondering, can Metaverse be the future of tourism? If yes. How to integrate Metaverse into travel apps? We have made your research a little easier by providing the below information. It includes the steps required for the integration of Metaverse in custom app development for the travel industry.

  1. Market Research
  2. Competitor Analysis
  3. Technology selection
  4. Designing
  5. Development
  6. Testing
  7. Deployment
  8. Marketing
  9. Maintenance

Follow the steps mentioned here. But first read about them in the detail below for informed decisions.

  1. Market Research

    Having an in-depth understanding of your app requirements and goals avoids unnecessary confusion. When you know what to build, then you can easily identify how to build. Integrating Metaverse into a travel app requires intense market research. Identifying the target audience and building features accordingly increases the chances of the app’s success. Find which apps are already using AR and VR technologies and providing virtual tourism. Check their reviews and try to figure out the loopholes in their services so that you can avoid those problems in your app.

  2. Competitor Analysis

    Which companies are using emerging technologies in the travel sector? What services they are offering using Metaverse? How they are successful in using Metaverse in custom app development? There are different types of questions for which you need to find solutions. Competitor analysis is the best way to find answers to these questions.

    Research existing Metaverse apps in the travel industry to identify their strengths, weaknesses, and unique features. This way, you can avoid mistakes in your app and increase the chances of its success.

  3. Technology selection

    Metaverse is a combination of technologies. You have to research and find which technologies are widely used to create an immersive environment for travelers. Stay updated on the latest trends in Metaverse technology such as AR, VR, and AI to incorporate cutting-edge features.

    Choose the suitable front-end and back-end technologies for your app. Moreover, use tools and frameworks to make the development journey for a travel app a little easier.

  4. Designing

    Users first interact with the design and features of the app. So, your first task should be to attract users to your Metaverse travel app. Provide easy navigation to users so that they can explore the app without many clicks. Focus on user-friendly design. While designing an app prioritize simple navigation and vibrant visuals for an immersive experience.

    Ensure compatibility across devices, offering travelers a seamless virtual journey with interactive features. Always engage users with real-time updates on your app. It will make your metaverse app accessible and enjoyable at any time.

  5. Want Innovative features and impressive designs for your app

  6. Development

    Here is the actual work on the app starts. Developers write code to add functionalities to the designs and UI and UX on the app. The main work is of server-side connection of the app. Develop all the features and functionalities for the app that connect the virtual and physical travel experiences.

    It includes virtual tours, immersive travel content, and AR navigation. Imeppable development reduces revisions and helps to save money. For this type of development, you can hire experienced developers from a top travel app development company.

  7. Testing

    App development includes many stages and the use of different technologies. So you have to test the app during development simultaneously to avoid any issues at the end. Testing is a vital process that leads to successful app development free from bugs and errors.

    It involves a rigorous examination of integrated features for seamless functionality and a positive user experience. Thorough testing ensures a reliable user experience for the metaverse virtual environment on the app.

  8. Deployment

    It is time to allow the app for the users’s access. After ensuring that the app has no issues and is ready to go live, deploy it. Well, it is the final stage of Metaverse app development for industries like travel. But always keep track of the app’s performance for continuous and smooth services for users.

  9. Marketing

    Not many people know about the revolution in the travel industry due to Metaverse. Create immersive videos for marketing showing how the metaverse has changed the travelers’ experience. Use social media platforms, and create reels and shorts of metaverse in travel. It will create more engagement and attract users to your app.

  10. Maintenance

    Maintain travel app by fixing errors and bugs on the app. Users can use the travel app without any hurdles when it has no errors or performance issues. You can also gather user feedback and make necessary improvements for a consistent better experience.

    I have explained here a simplified process of travel app development but the actual process includes more technical complexities and intricacies to provide benefits of Metaverse Tourism.

Examples of travel and hospitality companies using Metaverse

Not many companies in the travel sector use Metaverse for now. Vueling is the first airline in the world to allow users to visualize and book travels. The airline collaborated with the Metaverse platform ‘Next Earth’. Vueling Airlines is about to sell tickets on Metaverse. It is an innovative step by the company.

Next Earth and Lomob have partnered to visualize a successful and innovative way of booking tickets. The company also integrates blockchain technology for authentic can safe transactions within the virtual environment.

You can learn about the 11 VR apps to travel the world from the comfort of your home for a Virtual Vacation.

  1. Wander
  2. Brink Traveler
  3. Rebuilding Notre Dame
  4. VZ Fit
  5. National Geography Explore VR
  6. Ecosphere
  7. Tokyo Origami
  8. Puzzling places
  9. Anne Frank House VR

Wrapping Up

Metaverse is at the beginning stage to be used in different industries. So, there are immense opportunities for building custom apps for the travel sector. Knowing about the devices used to experience the metaverse world, the benefits of using this technology in the travel industry, how to integrate Metaverse into travel apps, and more you have learned in this blog. It will help you make informed decisions to build the next successful and innovative travel app. Taking expert advice and working under a top app development company can be beneficial as you will learn a lot about the metaverse. You can use that learning to build a quality app with this latest technology. Moreover, you can reduce the chances of making mistakes while creating an app. You can also hire experienced AI and AR developers for your travel app and complete your app on time with high quality.

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Mr. Sanjay Singh Rajpurohit, An early-aged entrepreneur who always leads his team from the front and achieved success. As the founder & CEO of Technource, a top mobile app & Web development company, he made a global presence in a short time by offering custom software development, premium mobile apps, and website development services to global clients. In his free time, he loves writing. He is featured on Hackernoon, Dzone, Enlear Academy, Articlesfactory, and much more websites.

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