How to Minimize Web Security Vulnerabilities in PHP

The need for PHP websites is gaining a lot of dominance these days with web development services & gaining a lot of prominences. Dynamic sites can be created by using high-end custom PHP Development services. When getting a PHP website developed, it is imperative that certain techniques are used to lower the probability of this website being attacked by hackers.
Here, we bring you 5 top techniques:

Technique 1: Foreign Access Restriction

The external access can be restricted to a considerable extent by properly managing data files, scripting pages and configuration files. In httpd.conf files, the below mentioned script can be utilized.
<Files ~ ‘’\.inc$’’>
Order allow, deny

Technique 2: Selection of Correct Submission Codes Form

In PHP coding, the two commonest submission codes form used are POST and GET. It is easy to set GET method by default. In case, this method is being used, the unprotected query string portion embedded in the URL can be easily interfered and manipulated by a hacker. Thus, the experts recommend to use this method in comparatively less significant web pages. For better web security, it is best to make use of HTTP POST submission method, especially if the website contains sensitive information.

Technique 3: Configuration of PHP.ini

When php.ini files is configured, it becomes easier to avoid hacking attacks. Cookie, POST, GET and Server can be registered using PHP.ini and with global variables help, it can be easily manipulated. The php.ini files can be secured in different ways. Firstly, it can be done by hiding and restricting access to the configuration files. Secondly, these global variables can be scrutinized by readjustment of the reported errors. Safe mode can be enabled in the formations.

Technique 4: Input Programming Data to be secured

In order to prevent buffer overflow and injection attacks, it is necessary to use an exclusive technique, namely, Input validation security. For scrutinizing string content and its first use, not only correct syntax, but programming length and time is also checked for perfect validation. Direct input into the statements can be suitable for prevented using a specific script.

If(!ctype_alnum($_GET[‘login’])) {echo ‘’Only A-Za-z0-9 are allowed.’’;}
If(!ctype_alpha($_GET[‘captcha’])) {echo ‘’Only A-Za-z are allowed.’’;}
$If(!ctype_xdigit($_GET[‘color’])) {echo ‘’Only hexadecimal values are allowed.’’;}

Technique 5: Prevention of Error Disclosure

Unnecessary information can be disclosed in cases like error, crashing etc and the sensitive information of a website could easily get translated or disclosed by the hackers. In case there is any error, a default message is sent to the users for corrective and immediate response. Sometimes, information like uninitialized variables, password and file path are also revealed to the hackers. Unique names need to be used in the restricted control panels.

To disable PHP identification header use below code:

Over to You:

Using these above 5 techniques at the time of PHP web development, you can add extra security to the website. Not all PHP web developers know about such techniques; for that, you need to Hire dedicated PHP developers with sound knowledge of it. If we missed anything then post it below in the comment section.

Want To Implement Deep Security Protection For Your Website_


Mr. Sanjay Singh Rajpurohit, An early-aged entrepreneur who always leads his team from the front and achieved success. As the founder & CEO of Technource, a top mobile app & Web development company, he made a global presence in a short time by offering custom software development, premium mobile apps, and website development services to global clients. In his free time, he loves writing. He is featured on Hackernoon, Dzone, Enlear Academy, Articlesfactory, and much more websites.

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