10 Useful Kotlin Libraries Every Android Developer Must Know

Over 60% of professional Android app developers use Kotlin. This programming language powers most of the top 1000 apps on the Play Store. It’s because developers can build innovative apps quickly with the help of Kotlin libraries. After all, they don’t have to write code from scratch for every functionality in the app.

When you use Kotline libraries, the process of custom Mobile app development becomes easier leading to saving time for more creativity. However, choosing the best Kotlin libraries takes the most time. Selecting the right library plays a significant role in building a high-quality app. Otherwise, the wrong tech stack can lead to a poor-quality app. Kotlin libraries offer ready-made solutions to common development challenges.

I am going to present 10 useful Kotlin libraries that make the lives of Android developers easy. These libraries will be your best companion in the journey of the best Android app development. Are you ready to explore?

What is the difference between libraries and frameworks?

I have noticed so far, people getting confused between libraries and frameworks. Before you read about libraries make sure you have a clear understanding of the meaning of library.

Library: A library is a collection of codes and functionalities that you can use directly in your own application. It focuses on a specific task and allows you to control the flow of app development.

Framework: Frameworks decide the structure and architecture of the app. They provide a skeleton for building applications. Frameworks include libraries for structuring the code effectively. Popular frameworks are Spring and Angular.


Top 5 Features of Kotlin Programming Language

Kotlin can be used by a web development company for building a website besides an app. It means this programming language contains various useful features that support different platforms. Let’s learn about the top features of Kotlin.

  1. Null Safety
  2. Interoperability with Java
  3. Conciseness and Readability
  4. Functional Programming Support
  5. Coroutines for Asynchronous Programming

Let’s learn about these features in more detail below.

    1. Null Safety:

      Kotlin’s type system is built to prevent null pointer exceptions (NPEs). This feature reduces run-time crashes as it is enforced at compile time.


    1. Interoperability with Java:

      Kotlin fully supports Java to exchange information effectively. Developers can use Kotlin code alongside existing Java libraries and frameworks seamlessly. Java code is called without any hassle.


    1. Conciseness and Readability:

      Kotlin reduces boilerplate code more than Java. Developers can express ideas more effectively using Kotlin’s readability.


    1. Functional Programming Support:

      Kotlin offers you effective support for functional programming. You can use immutable data structures, lambda expressions, and others for clear software designs. Or seek services from the best Android app development company that has experience using the features of Kotlin.


    1. Coroutines for Asynchronous Programming:

      Coroutines is a lightweight concurrency design pattern. It simplifies asynchronous programming. So that you can write asynchronous code in a particular manner.


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Top 10 Kotlin Libraries for Android Developers

Explore top Kotlin libraries in this section and select the best one for your next Android app development. These libraries make the lives of Android app developers easy as they can use in-build tools, codes, and functionalities directly into their apps.

  1. Integrating Third-Party Services Using Ktor
  2. Simplifying Asynchronous Programming with Coroutine
  3. A powerful SQLite library for Android Room
  4. Dependency Injection Framework Koin
  5. Networking Made Easy With Retrofit
  6. Enhancing Security with Crypto
  7. Navigation in Android Apps with Navigation Component
  8. Managing State with LiveData and ViewModel
  9. Kotlin Library for Database Operation Exposed
  10. Http Networking Library Fuel

Scroll down to understand all these Kotlin libraries their features, and benefits.

    1. Integrating Third-Party Services Using Ktor:

      JetBrains created Ktor, which is useful in connecting systems. These systems are web applications, HTTP services, and more. Developers get flexibility while working with this framework.

      Key features and benefits of Ktor:

      • Ktor simplifies server-side development with its lightweight and modular architecture. You can effortlessly create HTTP servers, clients, and web applications using concise Kotlin DSL.
      • With the help of this asynchronous programming model, developers can write non-blocking and asynchronous code to attain high concurrency.
      • It lets developers integrate and customize crucial modules with the help of its modular architecture.
      • With the help of type-safe DSL, you can make HTTP request and response handling simpler.
      • You can also use Ktor for effective web sockets and server-sent events.

      Like Kotlin, PHP also provides many useful libraries and frameworks for web app development. If you want an app with this technology make sure to familiarize yourself before you hire a PHP developer.


    1. Simplifying Asynchronous Programming with Coroutine:

      A coroutine is a powerful tool for handling asynchronous programming. It helps developers write non-blocking code that looks sequential and asynchronous. Managing network requests or database start to sound easy as pie with this tool for developers. It also abstracts away thread management and synchronization.

      Key features and benefits of Coroutine:

      • Coroutines use ‘suspend’ functions and coroutine builders to define an asynchronous task. This method makes code cleaner and easier to understand callbacks.
      • The Coroutine library is lightweight compared to threads. Because existing threads are used instead of new ones. It reduces overhead and improves performance in Android applications.
      • This library seamlessly integrates with other Kotlin features like Lambda expressions.
      • It works within the event loop. It handles scheduling and executes multiple coroutines. Because of this event execution of Coroutine becomes sequential.
      • It also lets you manage resources like network sockets and DB connections properly.


    1. A powerful SQLite library for Android Room:

      Google provides a Room Database Library as a part of the Android jetpack suite. It is specially designed for SQLite databases in Android applications. It simplifies the process of working with databases by providing an abstraction layer over SQLite. It is a lightweight relational database system embedded in Android.

      Key features and benefits of Room:

      • Room library allows developers to define database entities as Kotlin data classes. It represents tables in a database. It abstracts away SQLite boilerplate code, such as table creation, queries, and migrations, and reduces repetitive tasks. It also improves code clarity.
      • It performs SQLite query validation at compile time, rather than run-time. You can catch bugs shortly in the process of development. It ensures that database queries are syntactically correct and reduces the likelihood of run-time errors.
      • Room integrates with LiveData and RxJava. It facilitates reactive programming and ensures that UI components get automated effectively. Moreover, it simplifies the implementation of data-driven user interfaces in Android developers.


    1. Dependency Injection Framework Koin:

      Koin is a lightweight dependency injection (DI) framework for Kotlin applications. It provides a simple and concise API for dependency injection to declare and manage dependencies. Unlike more complex DI frameworks, Koin focuses on simplicity and ease of use.

      Key features and benefits of Koin:

      • Koin is easy to understand and use. It has a minimalistic API that reduces boilerplate code. It makes the library straightforward to integrate and maintain within Android projects.
      • To define dependencies Koin uses declarative DSL. So, developers can declare their dependencies using Kotlin DSL syntax. It enhances readability.
      • Unlike some other DI frameworks, Koin does not rely on reflection to inject dependencies. It results in faster startup times and better runtime performance.
      • Koin integrates seamlessly with Android components. It supports AndroiX and works well with Kotlin Coroutines.
      • Koin simplifies unit testing by providing mechanisms to swap dependencies easily.
      • Koin also encourages modularization. It helps developers to define separate modules for different parts of the application. Developers can organize and reuse the code.


    1. Networking Made Easy With Retrofit:

      Users can build HTTP connections for Android and Java. It converts HTTP APIs into Kotlin interfaces. This library also handles JSON responses and asynchronous network calls. If you want an app in this library, understand it effectively. You can also understand how to hire Mobile app developers when you about the technology basics already.

      Key features and benefits of Retrofit:

      • It provides an Android app developer with a straightforward approach with its intuitive interface. It supports many HTTP methods. And automatic conversion of JSON to Kotlin objects.
      • Retrofit uses an annotation mechanism like Get, Post, Path, and more. It helps to configure headers, API endpoints, and request parameters.
      • Logging, authentication, and error handling become easy with the support of the Retrofit interceptor.


    1. Enhancing Security with Crypto:

      Crypto is a cryptographic library for Kotlin that provides tools and utilities for implementing encryption, decryption, hashing, and other cryptographic operations. It is designed to simplify the integration of cryptographic functionalities into the Kotlin project.

      Key features and benefits of Crypto:

      • Crypto supports various encryption algorithms. It allows developers to encrypt sensitive data to secure it against unauthorized access and decrypt it when needed securely.
      • Crypto includes functions for generating cryptographic hash functions. Hashing is used to convert data


    1. Navigation in Android Apps with Navigation Component:

      It is a part of the Android jetpack library provided by Google. It was designed to organize the implementation of navigation in Android platforms.

      Key features and benefits of the Navigation Component:

      • The navigation graph is the center of the Navigation Component. This XML file defines all the destinations in your app and the connection between them.
      • Destinations can include fragments, activities, or even nested navigation graphs. A unique ID represents all of them.
      • TheNavHostFragment serves as a container for hosting the destinations defined in your navigation graph. It manages the swapping of destinations based on the navigation actions you define.
      • The navigation graph provides a visual representation of your app’s navigation flow. It makes the process easy to understand.


    1. Managing State with LiveData and ViewModel:

      If you are worried about how to manage UI-related data and survive configuration changes LiveData and VideModel can help. It lets you manage screen rotations and user interface.

      Key features and benefits of the LiveData and ViewModel:

      • LiveData is an observable data holder class. It updates only UI components. LiveData also helps to prevent memory leaks and crashes caused by fragments.
      • You can observe LiveData in your User Interface such as Activities and Fragments. It allows your app UI to update accordingly without manually updating views.
      • ViewModel was designed to store and manage UI-related data in a lifecycle. It survives device rotations and does not vanish when activities are recreated.
      • This approach keeps business logic different from UI components. It promotes cleaner and a more maintainable codebase. And, during configuration changes also it doesn’t lose data.


    1. Kotlin Library for Database Operation Exposed:

      It is a lightweight SQL library for database operations. It provides developers with a fluent and expressive way to work with databases. The library can also integrate with the Kotlin language features to make database operations more straightforward.

      Key features and benefits of the Exposed:

      • This Kotlin library provides a domain-specific language (DSL). It helps you to write database queries in a readable manner and that is directly in Kotlin code.
      • Errors in your SQL statements are caught at compile time rather than run time because of type-safe queries. The compiler checks the correctness of your database operations.
      • Exposed supports asynchronous database operations. It helps you to perform updates and queries on background threads. And, it is without blocking the important UI thread.
      • You can define your database schema using Kotlin code. Exposed provides APIs to define tables, columns, indexes, and relationships between entities.


    1. Http Networking Library Fuel:

      Fuel is a Kotlin-based HTTP networking library that simplifies making network requests. It offers powerful features for handling HTTP requests and responses.

      Key features and benefits of the Fuel:

      • Fuel provides a concise and Fluent API for performing HTTP requests. You can specify the request method (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE), headers, parameters, and body content directly.
      • The library supports asynchronous and synchronous modes for making network requests.
      • It automatically parses HTTP responses into appropriate data types like Byte arrays, strings, JSON objects, and others. It simplifies the handling and processing of responses without manually converting data formats.
      • You can modify requests and responses globally across your application. You can add authentication with the flexibility the library offers.


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Testing Your Android App with Kotlin Test Libraries

Testing is an important process that enhances the quality of an app. Test libraries play a crucial role in helping quality analysts find and resolve app issues. Many frameworks like Kotlin offer test libraries, and Flutter is one of them. For clarity, you can ask about libraries before you hire Flutter developers.

Why Test Your App?

    1. Find Bugs Early: Testing helps catch errors before users see them


    1. Ensure Code Quality: It helps to keep your code clean and reliable


    1. Save Time: Fix issues sooner rather than later to avoid bigger problems


Here are some widely used Kotlin test libraries:

    1. JUnit
      • Purpose: JUnit is a framework for writing and running unit tests
      • How to use it: Add ‘testImplementation’ ‘junit:junit:4.x’ in your ‘build.gradle’ file.


    1. MockK
      • Purpose: It helps to simulate objects and control their behavior
      • How to use it: Add ‘testImplementation “io.mockk:mockk.1.x.x.”’ in your ‘build.gradle’ file.


    1. Espresso
      • Purpose: Espresso plays a crucial role in testing the user interface and interactions
      • How to use it: Add ‘AndroidTestImplementation ‘ Androidx.test.espresso:espresso-core:3.x.x’’ in your ‘build.gradle’ file.


    1. Robolectric
      • Purpose: It allows Android testing on the JVM without needing a real device
      • How to use it: Add ‘testImplementation “org.robolectric:robolectric:4.x.x”’’ in your ‘build.gradle’ file.


Whether you go for Kotlin, Flutter, or hire React Native developers make sure you have basic knowledge of how testing is conducted and what are the test libraries. It will infuse confidence to clearly state your problems and talk to your app developers.

Benefits of Using Kotlin Libraries in Android Development

Using Kotlin libraries in Android development offers various benefits. Look over them in the following space.

  1. Simplicity and Readability
  2. Increased Productivity
  3. Improved Code Quality
  4. Enhanced Functionality
  5. Community Support

Let’s explore them in the space underneath.

    1. Simplicity and Readability:

      Clear and straightforward APIs make it easy for developers to remove all the flaws from the app and enhance its quality for a better user experience. So, simplicity and readability is one of the crucial benefits.


    1. Increased Productivity:

      Imagine writing every code from scratch for each functionality. It will increase the time to finish developing an app and developers will not have time to think creatively. Kotlin libraries offer pre-built functionalities, so you don’t have to reinvent the wheel. Libraries are tested impeccably, so you can rely on them to work effectively.


    1. Improved Code Quality:

      Many libraries are specifically designed to ensure code quality. They have built-in error handling and validation features. It enables you to use the best practices and designs while working on the app. Code quality is not only crucial for Android apps, iOS apps are also checked for quality even more meticulously. When you hire an iOS developer make sure you ask about the best code quality tools they use to remove errors from the app.


    1. Enhanced Functionality:

      Many libraries provide additional features. These features help to build functionalities quickly without writing code from scratch. It helps in coding that could be time-consuming to build yourself. You can access advanced functionalities like complex animation and data binding easily. Integrating advanced functionalities in a website is also easy with WordPress, if you want to build a cost-effective website. Hiring a WordPress development team can help integrate advanced features into your website.


    1. Community Support:

      Many developers and testers use libraries to improve and build better apps. It makes some libraries popular, encouraging so more professionals to go for them. When you get stuck at any point, wide community support takes you out of the problem. You simply have to provide your problems in coding and you will be getting various solutions. Moreover, regular updates on the libraries because of new features and bugs keep them fresh and demanding.


Case Studies: Successful Apps Build with Kotlin

Many popular apps use the Kotlin programming language for different purposes. Here I have created a list of top apps that are built with Kotlin.

  1. Netflix
  2. Trello
  3. Pinterest
  4. Evernote
  5. Coursera
  6. Square
  7. Uber

Explore the information about these popular apps that used Kotlin libraries in one or another way.

    1. Netflix:

      Netflix uses Kotlin for product reliability and delivery speed, so the main purpose is the balance between ease of use and performance. Being a popular streaming service, Netflix has to deal with a lot of user data. Kotlin helps Netflix handle complex features and large amounts of data smoothly.

      It makes the app more reliable and easier to maintain, ensuring users get a seamless streaming experience. Netflix also uses NodeJS technology for the high-performance of the app. You can also hire NodeJS developers according to your needs from the top websites.


    1. Trello:

      Boards and cards are used for organizing tasks and projects in Trello. Kotlin simplifies the development process of Trello and allows it to quickly add new features and updates. It also helps keep the app fast and responsive, so that you can manage tasks properly.


    1. Pinterest:

      Pinterest allows you to discover, save, and organize ideas on virtual platforms. Kotlin improves your app’s performance and makes images load quickly. Pinterest can easily implement new features and keep the user experience smooth. It also uses Reactjs for managing a growing collection of images and videos. If you are also creating an app for managing images hiring Reactjs developers can assist in the entire process of development.


    1. Evernote:

      As the name indicates, Evernote, helps you take and organize notes and data. Kotlin ensures the app remains stable and responsive. The technology also helps in including new features and improvements with less hassle.


    1. Coursera:

      Coursera is a popular platform to learn and get certificates for different skills from various institutions. Kotlin helps Coursera to manage a wide range of content and user interactions efficiently. It ensures that the app runs without any problems. So that users can browse and access educational materials efficiently.


    1. Square:

      Square offers payment processing solutions and financial services to users. Kotlin plays a crucial role in establishing the app’s stability and security. It is very important for handling transactions and financial data. Moreover, it aids in maintaining smooth performance during high transaction volumes.


    1. Uber:

      Uber is a popular ride-booking application for pick-and-drop users. Kotlin helps in dealing with real-time data like ride requests and location updates. It helps in providing a reliable and fast experience for both cab drivers and riders.


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Kotlin libraries like Crypto, Retrofit, Koin, and others mentioned in the blog make the lives of Android developers easy. They can build even complex applications effectively using Kotlin libraries. To make testing easy Kotlin also offers testing libraries, making the application error and bug-free. Kotlin offers several benefits of using it for high-quality platforms for different purposes. Many popular applications like Netflix, Pinterest, Uber, Trello, Square, and others already use Kotlin for different purposes. You can also try different libraries of Kotlin according to the requirements of your app.

Frequently Asked Questions


How to develop an Android application?


What technologies are used for Android app development?


What is the estimated duration for building a Kotlin app?


What is the cost of building a Kotlin app?


Saikat Ghosh working as a Business & HR head at mobile app development company, Technource. He is an Electrical engineer by education and studied management from IIM, Calcutta. He has worked last 23 years in client-facing roles like Marketing, Sales, and Support. He loves to work with on-demand app development, Marketing & Sales strategies, brainstorm new ideas, and learn from people. When he is off from his regular job, he works for his theatre group.

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